Mar 2020 - Apr 2020
It is a Progressive Web Application (PWA). The idea was to create a repository that reliable and accurate for all things coronavirus in Botswana. Some of the features include;
- Map section that shows a heat-map of confirmed cases across the districts in Botswana and SADC countries.
- A video section to show the latest updates from the Government.
- Statistics across the app that are very informative.
- Push notifications to get important updates.
- Ability to be saved to the home screen for easy access.
Explore the app for more...
The PWA was built with a mobile-first approach as this was the anticipated device preference of the potential users. Its build using the following technologies;
- VueJS
- Google Cloud Platform (firebase hosting, cloud functions, cloud build, cloud scheduler)
- Github (git) for version control (repo:
Lastly, all sources are stated and linked where possible. We viewed it as very important to combat false/fake information.
Thank you
javascript vue.js google cloud devops