Abraão Állysson dos Santos Honório
Senior Software Engineer at Mercê do Bairro
Joao Pessoa, Brazil

Software Engineer with a focus on backend, community leader (GrudePB), open source contributor, enthusiastic about Home Office work and graduated in Computer Engineering from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Brazil. My main areas of interest include software engineering, algorithms, data structure, WEB development, software architecture, software testing, distributed system and product creation.

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CodersRank Rank
Top 7%
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

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Mercê do Bairro
Jun 2022 - Present (1 year 11 months)
João Pessoa Area, Brazil Current workspace
Currently Abraão Állysson dos Santos Honório supports the Mercê do Bairro

Abraão Állysson dos Santos Honório's scores will be added to this company.

Senior Software Engineer
A Mercê do Bairro é uma Rede Virtual de Varejo. Fornecemos uma marca confiável e soluções digitais para aumentar receitas e reduzir o custo dos mercadinhos, mercearias, padarias, pequenos varejo em gerais... sempre visando facilitar a vida dos lojistas e de seus clientes. Minha principais atividades estão em fazer discovery de produto, auxiliar o gerente de produto e manager a definir o roadmap do produto, revisão de pull e construir código de alta qualidade e testável. No backend eu faço uso de tecnologias como Python, Docker, Lambda, ApiGateway e para banco de dados faço uso relacional Postgresql e Processamento assíncrono de tarefas com filas usarmos SQS e SNS. E para cache usarmos o Redis. A nossa infraestrutura é toda AWS, para continuous integration/continuous delivery(CI/CD) é usado o Circle CI e para frontend é usamos o React.

Alguns highlights do meu trabalho até hoje:
- Otimizando o desempenho do site acessado pelos nossos clientes
- Identificar e refatorar consultas SQL lentas;
- Avaliação de tecnologias e decisões de arquitetura
- Auxiliar e manter o processo aprendizado contínuo da equipe
- Melhorando a cultura de qualidade de software(melhores práticas de revisão de código, teste de unidade...)
XP Inc.
Jul 2020 - May 2022 (1 year 10 months)
João Pessoa e Região, Brasil
Senior Software Engineer II (Software Architect)
I work on the software architecture team focused on creating applications, services and tools to make business units more efficient and less costly, and of course always thinking about the developer experience. I'm directly involved in backlog creation, feature implementation, architecture definition, testing and deploy. I also participate in the development of proof-of-concepts (POC) to address functional and non-functional requirements. In my day to day I use Devops practices, making use of technologies such as .NET(Rest and gRPC), Python(pyspark), Angular, React, Docker, kubernetes, RabbitMQ, ServiceBus, Redis, MongoDB, DocumentDB, SqlServer, ElasticSearch , Kibana and others... Due to the large volume of data and the criticality of our systems, we mostly need to create performance solutions that are resilient. And whenever necessary, we are carrying out unit, integration and performance tests, making use of technologies such as Jmeter, Xunit, FluentAssertions and NSubstitute(Or moq).

- Active participation in recruitment processes for new members
- Responsible for mentoring (Buddy) new team members
- I carry out mentoring activities for less experienced developers from other squads
- Helping to maintain the continuous learning process of XP inc. Actively participating in the XP community
Social Miner
Dec 2018 - Jul 2020 (1 year 7 months)
Software Engineer II
I develop solutions focused in the area of ​​Digital Marketing automation, specifically in the area of ​​user engagement and making use of People Marketing (It is a strategy focused on the humanization of contact between brands and potential clients). I am one of the engineers responsible for web applications of the company, I am directly involved in the implementation of functionalities and tests. All engineering teams make use of agile methodology, I would say it would be an integration of Scrum with Kanban. Mostly of my time I'm focused on backend functionality. Because of the large volume of data we are always thinking about performance solutions, that is why we work with microservice architecture and using the DevOps culture. In my day to day I use technology like .NET Core (C #), Micro ORM Dapper, Flurl, DryIoc, Redis, AWS SQS, AWS S3, Docker, Jenkins and for relational database we use Mysql and for NoSQL it is used the MongoDB. And we're always running integration testing and testing units using the Xunit, Moq, FluentAssertions tools and using Git (Bitbucket) for version management.

Technologies / Tools: Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio Code, Bitbucket, Jira, Confluent, PostMan, Trello, Google Meet, Discord and Google docs, docs, sheets, draws and slides.
.net core python3 aws microservices datalake rest api mongodb mysql

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Minha Cidade - Hackfest
Jun 2017 - Present
Minha Cidade is a platform for analyzing public data extracted from municipal transparencies. The idea came from Josué Paiva Benardino, one of the team members who created and developed My City, which was improved and implemented by him and the other team members. The development process began during the first phase of the 2017 Hackfest programming marathon, reaching the final stage as one of the top 10 projects e we finished with the second place . Promoted by the Ministério Público da Paraíba (MPPB) in partnership with the Paraibana Communication Network, with the Controladoria Geral da União (CGU), the Tribunal de Contas do Estado da Paraíba (TCE) and other institutions, the marathon occurred during the days 9 and 11 June 2017, with the aim of involving society in the fight against corruption and improving public services through the development of technological solutions.

Technology: GO, PostgreSQL and Angular
RoC'in'C++ - Sistema de Navegação Autônoma para Robôs Móveis em C++
Jun 2016 - Jun 2016
This project aims to develop a Navigation System for Nonholonomic Ground Robots (Turtlebots) in C/C++.

* Tiago Nascimento (Teacher - coordinator)
* Luís Feliphe Silva Costa(supervisor)
* Abraão Állysson dos Santos Honório (Technical leader)
* Phillip Paiva Brito (developer)
* Yooh Bezerra de Brito(developer)
* Zaqueu Moura da Silva(developer)

Technology: C++,Qt, ROS, Gitlab;
Jan 2015 - Jan 2015
Construção de simulador de impressora 3D, denominado de 3DPSIM, um simulador computacional do G-Code para impressão 3D.

Publicações: XXII ENIC - Encontro de Iniciação Científica - UFPB e SECOMP-UFPRE
Vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8XQGzkc69M
Programação: C++; OpenGL; QT

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Bachelor's, computer engineer
Oct 2013 - Oct 2018
universidade federal da paraíba
bachelor, computer engineer
Oct 2013 - Oct 2018

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