Alberto Venturini
Cape Town, South Africa

I am a software engineer with a broad array of industry experience. I have worked in large tech corporations, small companies, and universities. Throughout my life I have been exposed to several computer technologies. As a teenager, I developed a passion for x86 assembly, the Pascal and C languages, and operating systems. Professionally, I have worked with C++, C#, various HTML/Javascript frontend frameworks, Node.js, and more recently, Java and Scala. Early on in my career I also worked as a technical support engineer, which allowed me to develop a customer-focused attitude and listening skills. In the past few years, I have focused my career on backend development. Some of the things I am passionate about at the moment include large-scale applications on the Java Virtual Machine, data analysis pipelines based on graph databases (e.g. Neo4j) and graph analysis algorithms, static code analysis, functional languages, and concurrency models. I am particularly interested in solving problems that require a good amount of algorithms and data structures. I care deeply about writing code that is modular, tested, and easy to read and maintain.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 5%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 9 events
Top 50
South Africa
Top 100
South Africa
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
SPAN Digital Innovation
Nov 2018 - Dec 2020 (2 years 1 month)
Cape Town Area, South Africa
Senior Software Engineer
I work on tools that enable the analysis and refactoring of a massive Java codebase for one of our clients. We use static code analysis and graph algorithms to reason about the codebase and identify potential areas of refactoring.
java neo4j maven intellij
Amazon Web Services
Nov 2016 - Nov 2018 (2 years)
Cape Town Area, South Africa
Software Development Engineer
At AWS, I worked on some of the services that power EC2, the leading cloud compute service that is used by millions of businesses world-wide. My team was responsible for developing and operating some of the back-end components that serve the public EC2 APIs. The tech stack consisted mainly of Java and Scala.
java scala microservices
Università degli studi di Brescia
Nov 2014 - Sep 2016 (1 year 10 months)
Brescia Area, Italy
Teaching Assistant
I worked as a part-time teaching assistant for the Software Engineering course. My duties consisted in:

• teaching lessons on object-oriented design patterns, general design guidelines and software testing
• assessing and grading students' assignments.
teaching object oriented

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Dec 2008 - Present
ITOBO, the SFI Strategic Research Cluster for Sustainable and Optimised Building
Operation, will undertake research in Information and Communication Technology that will enable us to develop a holistic, methodological framework for life-cycle oriented informationmanagement and decision support in the construction and energy-management sectors. The domain-specific goal is to develop an anticipating (smart) building that operates on an energyefficient and user-friendly basis while reducing its maintenance costs.

Current IT-applications used to control building services, to manage energy consumption
and to plan and organise repair, maintenance and inspections, are not integrated and are underdeveloped. Cutting-edge information technologies, such as radio frequency identification (RFID), wireless sensors, mobile technologies and building information models (BIM) are neither sufficiently integrated nor adapted on a sound methodological basis.

ITOBO will contribute to the holistic development of Network Enabled Building Management Systems through an academic/industry collaboration with multidisciplinary expertise in:

Hardware Design
Wireless Systems integration and network protocol development
Constraint-based Decision Support
N-dimensional Information Modelling
Facilities Management with access to sophisticated built infrastructure and co-operation with standardisation bodies.

ITOBO will make specific scientific contributions to:

Ubiquitous sensing infrastructures
Disruptive networking paradigms
Decision support systems
Dynamic, re-configurable service architectures
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Laurea Specialistica (Master of Science), Computer Engineering
Dec 2004 - Dec 2007
Laurea (Bachelor of Science), Information Engineering
Dec 1999 - Dec 2004
University College Cork
Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
Dec 2006 - Dec 2007
Whilst at University College Cork, I developed my master thesis entitled "Efficient incremental analysis for model-based diagnosis". I designed and implemented novel algorithms for Artificial Intelligence applications written in C.
EMC Content Management Systems Architecture
Launching into Machine Learning
Jun 2018
Red Hat Certified Technician
Nov 2009

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