Jan 2019 - May 2019
My Thesis project at ELTE.
(Live demo can be found at the repositories page)
This progressive web application is meant to aid writers in consistency. Keeping track their characters in time and space, and in knowledge.
- Limit their maximum speed at any given timeframe to constraint their positions and avoid anomalies such as when a character would suddenly appear on the opposite end of the continent, barefooted in a day.
- Track their knowledge and name. See what they know at any given point in time to know how they should react in any given encounter.
- Mark them with colors, so they are easier to identify.
- Draw your own map. You can edit the terrain's height, create land or sea.
And you can play back the project and see everything live!
(Projects are stored in the in-browser database and can be exported as a backup and imported back)
The project is written using Angular 8 and uses the following technologies:
- NgRx
- RxDB
- RxJS
- Three.js
- Tween.js
- Hammer.js
- Moment.js
The developement process was aided by Travis CI with deployment to github pages.