I worked as part of a 40+ developer team in charge of developing swagup.com, using ReactJS and Material UI.
I introduced several react ecosystem libraries like react-hook-form, react-query, react-testing-library, react-error-boundary.
I wrote URL-based pagination as a hook and trained our team on how to use it.
I was in charge of rewriting our address validation process.
I worked on improving performance throughout the project by reducing rerenders and adding code splitting.
I convinced the team to be more careful with accessibility.
We started to add hover and focus styles and proper keyboard navigation.
After eight months in the job, I took charge of a 5-people team (the first of its kind in the company) created to rewrite about 1/4 of the app, comprising the whole process of creating swag.
ReactJS javascript css Redux react-query react-testing-library next.js github react-hook-form git react router jest