Alex Sonars (Zotov Sergei)
Limassol, Cyprus

Hi everyone, I'm Alex, a pretty fun and friendly Developer :) DevOps Software-engineer, with a total 21 years in software development and 7 years of international experience managing critical environments and Cloud Infrastructure for enterprises. I am always happy to communicate professionally. Feel free to get in touch with me.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 5%
Top 1
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Constellation pro (Haifa, Israel)
Apr 2022 - May 2023 (1 year 1 month)
DevOps Enterprise Solutions
• In collaboration with C-Level, we have developed the design of multi-cloud solutions. Made positive changes to the CLA (client level agreement) GDPR licensing organization.
• Made Security Improvements, Redesign products, many of them have been restructured into Azure Kubernetes Service, Implemented with the most effective approach to provide the maintainability of our Hybrid Sub-Cloud solutions at Azure and in chain with AWS services related infrastructure.
• Processes were accelerated, through continuous improvement practices were implemented for projects to keep pace with the rapid, dynamic digital transformation of the development according to all our planning.
• Provided expert judgment and analysis with product design in researching acceleration is accomplished by reexamining customer behaviors and evaluating key features and functionality to develop.
Translated measurable indicators and metrics to business and decision making in new directions.
• Evolved the continuous improvement of reliability of our systems through performing leading SRE practices. Enhanced continuous monitoring of our systems.
Led the migration project from AWS to Azure with system redesign at all related levels.
• Led project of Scaling Systems placed on AWS.
• Led "United Environments" cost optimization related DevOps-projects.
• Led Auto-deployment ENV, brought for members the capability to deploy to any environment.
# Involved into development processes
I implemented a collaborative approach, for systems and clients software factories, with automating the build, delivery, and operation pipelines.
I was the initiator of integrating the new corporate private GIT system.
Took Extra responsibilities with diving into the development parts. I was the initiator of the Graphene Integration project.
Performed enhancement to make our software more modular and componentized.
which allowed us to reduce the company's operating costs for the enterprise by 50%.
azure aws kubernetes HCL python Django sql server nginx linux bash aws aws lambda ubuntu k8s ECR container registry DNS SERVERS git systems (creating) (ext...) GraphQL api ORM AI ml DSA elasticsearch ci/cd ansible istio
Edvance Solutions LLC (Palo Alto, CA, US)
Mar 2021 - Jan 2022 (10 months)
DevOps Cloud Infrastructure Engineer
• Excavated and obtained the large migration project with multiple high-loaded and Geo-spread systems. Migration was produced from hybrid infrastructure at on-premises and bare metal to the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service.
Resolved multiple issues in DevOps processes which were implemented through legacy tech-solutions as old-versioned containerized things, legacy realizations and outdated configuration.
• Prepared and developed design of implementations of our new infrastructure.
• Launched new prod/stage/dev ENVs.
• Created new IaaC management systems through combination of Terraform and Terragrant, based and Git-Flow solutions to provision new infrastructure.
• Migrated project was successfully completed, which allowed us to reduce the incredible monthly cost by using the solution presented before on bare metal.
• Built proficient automation with Terraform stack and AWS/GCP/Azure Cloud systems.
• Perfected AWS-RBAC realization, through the IaaC Cloud computing model.
• Managed GitHub repositories and permissions, including branching and tagging.
• Organized tech parts of on-boarding processes for integrating a new employee.
AWS azure devops kubernetes linux nginx webserver bash webapi agile scrum database design (not DBA) jira RDS scripting terraform
MixerPro co Customer Data oriented company
Aug 2019 - Jan 2021 (1 year 5 months)
DevOps Cloud Infrastructure Engineer
• Designed and developed new architecture within AWS EKS for lift and shift style move as the first stage cloud solution.
• Improved the new Kubernetes systems.
• Successfully Integrated and launched multiple appeared projects.
• Improved CI/CD pipelines for code deployment which eliminated 70% of manual work, also reduced human errors and sped up SDLC processes.
• Lead in parallel, several projects related to BigData, large spread systems.
• Headed high level projects through Agile teams Management.
aws serverless aws lambda python go kubernetes ansible terraform aws grafana prometheus kafka devops grpc nginx bash ci/cd elasticsearch linux redis cloud

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Saratov Regional College
Bachelor of Engineering - BE, , Geo Informational Systems Engineer
Sep 2000 - May 2005
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