Vitalii Mikhailov
Chisinau, Moldova

Have several million downloads of my NuGet packages - Mod developer in free time. One of the main contributors to the Mount & Blade: Bannerlord modding community. Coordinating the creation of the mod ecosystem, manage CI/CD environments based on GitHub Actions. Have more than 10 million mod downloads. I have been programming since 2013. I have knowledge of a large number of patterns and respect the standard formatting rules for code in .NET.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Veteran Developer
Top 1
Top 1
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Jan 2023 - May 2024 (1 year 4 months)
Chisinau, Moldova
.NET Principal Software Engineer
Stack consisted of ASP.NET Core with EF Core, GraphQL, MySQL, Terraform, Docker, integration with AWS, Atlassian's services.

- Leading the development of projects (.NET/React);
- Managing a team of developers and QA (up to 5);
- Code review, mentoring;
- Assessment and distribution of tasks with the team;
- Project analysys, full involvement and understanding;
- Technical stack management;
- Interaction with the client;
- Integration and management of the client development and testing environment;
- Systematization of requirements, identifying customer needs, drawing up technical specifications for developers; core ef core mysql ReactJS Redux amazon s3 docker jenkins typescript terraform
May 2022 - Nov 2022 (6 months)
Moscow, Russia
.NET Lead Software Engineer
Stack consisted of ASP.NET Core with EF Core, SignalR, RabbitMq, PostgreSQL, Docker, ELK, Zabbix, Atlassian's services.

- Maintenance of current ASP.NET Core services adding new features to them;
- Development of new ASP.NET Core services;
- Development and maintenance of internal NuGet libraries;
- Development and maintenance of libraries that use System.Linq.Expressions;
- Development of a library that changes how server-side SignalR handles and reports exceptions;
- Development of a TypeScript wrapper for SignalR library with added reliance;
- Development of a .NET Framework plugin for a product that provides IP SIP, reverse engineering of the application for adding features not intended to be exposed by the developers;
- ELK logs analytics; core ef core postgresql signalr rabbitmq docker elk zabbix typescript gitlab
1 year 6 months
Moscow, Russia
.NET Senior Engineer
Feb 2021 - Apr 2022 (1 year 2 months)
Stack consisted of ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, ReactJS, PostgreSQL, Docker, Jenkins, Atlassian's services.

- Maintenance of the old ASP.NET monolith and adding new features to it;
- Maintenance of the old NodeJS services, rewriting them to ASP.NET Core;
- Took part on creating the new microservice architecture;
- Creation of new ASP.NET Core services that replaced partially the functionality of the old monolith;
- Rewriting an old NodeJS project to ASP.NET Core, which managed a high-load processing and analyzis of PostgreSQL DB data that consisted of more than half a billion rows, with performance improvement to up to 5000%; Developed the service architecture; Worked closely to higher management;
- Development of an ReactJS project with usage of external components, with an ASP.NET Core hosted backend;
- Conducting interviews, assisting the Team Lead;
- Active interaction with the DevOps team; Helping with .NET integration and general help; core rest api jenkins docker ci/cd ansible microservices jira .net core ReactJS postgresql
.NET Engineer
Oct 2020 - Feb 2021 (4 months)
Stack consisted of ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, ReactJS, PostgreSQL, Docker, Jenkins, Atlassian's services.

- Maintenance of the old ASP.NET monolith and adding new features to it;
- Maintenance of the old NodeJS services, rewriting them to ASP.NET Core;
- Creation of new ASP.NET Core services that replaced partially the functionality of the old monolith;
- Active interaction with the DevOps team; Helping with .NET integration and general help; core rest api jenkins docker ci/cd microservices jira .net core javascript typescript postgresql .net franework

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Apr 2020 - Present
Bannerlord's Unofficial Tools & Resources
Organization that provides various tools and frameworks for the modification development ecosystem for the game Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
Our tools and modifications are the most widely used. We have more than a million of downdloads from end users.
.net reverse engineering github actions json lua python php rest api docker docker compose msil blazor
Pokémon3D Server
Oct 2021 - Present
P3D Legacy
Scalable game server written on top of ASP NET Core's Kestrel
litedb json .net core websocket rest api GraphQL docker
Aug 2015 - Nov 2019
Self written server software for Pokémon3D. MonoGame libraries for rendering pokemon 3DS models, skeletal animations.
.net core sqlite lua json rest api

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Russian Technological University
Bachelor, Information Science and Computer Technology
Sep 2014 - Jul 2018

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