Aron Zoltan Kalo
Full Stack Engineer at Betsson Group
Budapest, Hungary

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Top 5%
Top 100
Highest experience points: 0 points,

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List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Betsson Group
Jun 2021 - Present (3 years 6 months)
Budapest, Hungary Current workspace
Currently Aron Zoltan Kalo supports the Betsson Group

Aron Zoltan Kalo's scores will be added to this company.

Full Stack Engineer
Microservices, ASP.NET (Core / Framework), SignalR, Docker, TeamCity, RabbitMQ, Dapper, Gherkin, (MSSQL) Entity Framework on backend-side.

Angular, AngularJS, NgRx, RxJS, HTML5, CSS3, Selenium on frontend-side.

Also some other softwares I use in my everyday work are Splunk, Octopus, SonarQube and also Git bash for version controlling.

Also I’m in a Team Captain program currenty which is pretty much similar to a Scrum Master role.

As a fullstack developer, I actively take part in building the SPA application, and also in implementing and improving the microservices in the background.
Angular AngularJS CSS Docker fullstack
Appsint Ltd.
Jul 2020 - Jul 2021 (1 year)
Budapest, Hungary
.NET Developer
develop single-page web applications
Scrum methodology
ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Entity Framework (code first)
TypeScript, React, Webpack
.NET Core CLI, Azure services, SQL based database management

Develop the company's own low code framework for business analists, who customize for customer's needs.
Background Jobs, Microservices, Asynchronous programming
.net .net core Azure database ReactJS TypeScript
Offisys Ltd.
May 2019 - Mar 2020 (10 months)
Budapest, Hungary
.NET Developer
Developed the company's custom DMS system. Built on web platform with ASP.NET MVC.

Also wrote SQL queries for the three supported povider ( Sql Server, MySql, Oracle ).

I managed to layer the project and implemented microservices for the background tasks.

I became familiar with various OCR technologies.

40% bugfixing, 50% new feature, 10% meeting.
.net MySQL
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Óbuda University
Bachelor of Engineering - BE, Information Technology
Jan 2018 - Dec 2022

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