Arpit Sengar
Operational Manager at AI CLUB - VIT BHOPAL University
Ghaziabad, India

Junior ML Engineer @Omdena || Operational Manager @AI CLUB || Sophomore @VIT Bhopal || Machine Learning Enthusiast || Python Developer || Passionate about Computer Vision

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 3 events
Mid Developer
Mega Streak
Top 1
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
1 year 2 months
New York, United States
Junior ML Engineer
May 2024 - Jul 2024 (2 months)
Got selected for developing an AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis Tool for Political Actors in El Salvador, an Omdena AI Innovation challenge, becoming one of the 50 collaborators from 20+ countries.
Junior ML Engineer
Apr 2024 - Jul 2024 (3 months)
Got selected for the Enhancing Global Mapping Through AI: A Collaborative Initiative with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team an Omdena AI Innovation challenge, becoming one of the 50 collaborators from 20+ countries.
My role as a Junior ML Engineer includes
- Writing codes and building models.
- Data Tagging and Wrangling on the graphs.
Open Source Contributor
Apr 2023 - Mar 2024 (11 months)
Omdena is the collaborative platform to build innovative, ethical, and efficient AI and Data Science solutions to real-world problems.
AI machine learning data science machine learning deep learning data visualization data analysis tensorflow pandas jupyter notebook numpy data science nlp opencv
Feb 2024 - Present (1 year)
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Current workspace
Currently Arpit Sengar supports the AI CLUB - VIT BHOPAL University

Arpit Sengar's scores will be added to this company.

Operational Manager
GeeksforGeeks VIT Bhopal
Aug 2023 - Present (1 year 6 months)
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Current workspace
Currently Arpit Sengar supports the GeeksforGeeks VIT Bhopal

Arpit Sengar's scores will be added to this company.

Technical Team Member
Currently, our primary responsibility is to design and develop our club's website, providing a dynamic platform for members and enthusiasts alike to access valuable resources, event updates, and collaborate seamlessly. This website is supposed to strengthen our club's online community, fostering knowledge-sharing and engagement.
Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
AI Based Road Inspection System
Apr 2023 - Jun 2023
Omdena Mexico Chapter
This project employs machine learning to automate the identification of road defects, enhancing the efficiency of current inspections. A camera-based inspection system captures video streams of roads with and without abnormalities. The acquired data is analyzed using Matlab's machine learning toolbox for training and testing the network. Additionally, a user-friendly dashboard is developed to offer municipalities actionable recommendations for addressing road defects. The project comprises three key tasks: Data acquisition, Data Training/Testing, and Dashboard Building and Testing.
machine learning data science computer vision deep learning tensorflow numpy data visualization data analysis pandas jupyter notebook matplotlib
NLP with Disaster Tweets
May 2023 - Present
Omdena Giza Chapter
The analysis of social media data during natural disasters can be challenging due to the sheer volume of data generated and the need to quickly identify relevant information. Additionally, tweets are often short, informal, and contain non-standard language, making them difficult to analyze using traditional NLP techniques. As a result, there is a need for more advanced NLP techniques that can accurately classify disaster-related tweets and extract relevant information in real-time.
machine learning nlp data analysis pandas data visualization data analysis jupyter notebook data science
Water Quality Prediction System -Rwanda Chapter
May 2023 - Present
Omdena Rwanda Chapter
In this project, the primary goal is to develop an accurate and efficient machine learning model that can predict water quality based on a range of parameters such as Electrical conductivity of water, Amount of organic carbon in ppm, Amount of Trihalomethanes in μg/L, and turbidity. The model will be trained on a large dataset of historical water quality data and will be designed to provide predictions for water quality.
machine learning data analysis streamlit data analysis data analytics data science data visualization jupyter notebook pandas
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Vellore Institute of Technology, Bhopal
Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science
Sep 2022 - Present

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