Artem Bayandin
Minsk, Belarus

Tech/Team Lead C#/ JS/ Solidity/ .Net Core/ React/ Node/ Angular/ Azure. Product-Minded, T-shaped, since 2009

CodersRank Score

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Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

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Top 1%
Top 50
Top 50
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Mar 2020 - Jan 2021 (10 months)
Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Team Lead
Feature analysis and estimations, team leadership, code reviews, writing tests, CI/CD setup, coding using .Net Core, SQL, EF, Dapper, React, Angular. Acting as a Dev, BA, QA, PM, DevOps, when needed. Accurate estimations provided: development - 512h, actual was 494h; bugfix - 100h, actual was 25h.
c# .net core javascript mssql entity framework dapper ReactJS mediatr signalr devops azure
Micromobility Startup
Oct 2019 - Feb 2020 (4 months)
Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Startup consultant
Startup tasks included: strategic planning, estimations, budgeting, costs planning, setting up processes and communications inside the team, consultancy against other management questions, meetings, backlog creation, roadmap, etc.

Suspended because of the situation in the world.
HiQo Solutions
Feb 2018 - Jan 2019 (11 months)
Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Technical Lead
Technical Lead in a .Net Core 2.1 Web API + React/Redux Web app since pre-sale stage. Prepared two project approaches with draft estimations, reviewed estimations of teammates; prepared all the needed technical documents (component, deployment, data flow diagrams; ERD; Failure Mode and Effects Analysis document; etc.) according to customer’s CHEF Agile methodology. One week before the project started was on a business trip to stakeholders, was at the first line at all the technical and strategic discussions with C-level managers, then presented technical solution with estimations and documents to CIO, CEO and their investors and got positive feedback. Started the project, designed the database, created extendable architecture of Web API according to Hexagonal architecture (DDD), set up development guidelines (coding standards, git flow, onboarding documents), set up CI/CD with unit tests using Github and GitLab. Actively participated in discussions of business components with difficult and not straightforward logic such as taxation, events calendar, strategic planning. Closely worked with technical specialists of other vendors. Had administrative and team management tasks locally.

Technical Lead on the second project, data integration hub for all the customer’s systems in Azure. Investigated MS SSIS, Azure Logic Apps, Azure DevOps systems, prepared several approaches, pros and cons of each, final one was approved by CIO. Designed high-level architecture and database, data flows.

Previously had a 3-month web project, where introduced CQRS pattern into the existing environment.

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