Ashim Upadhaya
Siddharthanagar, Nepal

I'm a computer science under-graduate with a keen interest in practical application of information systems. I'm an experience computer programmer with an extensive knowledge of web development including designing. I am always eager to learn new things and very competitive in my work.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 5%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 7 events
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
BSAI Techno Sales Pvt. Ltd.
Jun 2018 - Nov 2018 (5 months)
Android Developer
I worked as an android developer after I graduated +2 during my 6months long vacation before college.
mysql android native php firebase
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Tula's Institute, Dehradun
Bachelors, Computer Application
Aug 2018 - Present

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