Azid Harun
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

A pure physicist who turns data into stories and pipeline into factories.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

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Top 3%
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Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

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List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Apr 2022 - Dec 2022 (8 months)
Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Data Engineer II
• Design a Serverless E2E MLOps Framework Template for classification, forecast and recommender system use cases on rapid AI project productionalization, fully integrated with CICD. Tools involved: GitLab, Docker, Pytest, Google Vertex AI Pipeline, BigQuery, Cloud Function, Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Airflow Generator DAG.
• Design a generalized Docker image to pull data from any API to BigQuery. Tools involved: GitLab, Docker, GCR
• Design a generalized Docker image to pull parquet files from GCS to BigQuery. Tools involved: GitLab, Docker, GCR
• Built Airflow ETL Pipelines. Tools involved: GitLab, Airflow, GKE
• Introduce code and docstring coverage to Docker Image structure. Tools involved: Pytest, Interrogate
May 2021 - Apr 2022 (11 months)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
MLOps Engineer
Program and Processes
• Design and lead a MLOps Standardization Program for entire MLOps team to streamlining the method on productionalizing an AI project.
• Design and lead in building a centralized performance dashboard for all AI projects in terms of business, model and pipeline health. Tools involved: DataStudio, Google BigQuery, Cloud Logging, Pub/Sub, Cloud Function, Bitbucket.
• Revolutionalised team's MLOps ecosystem by building Maxis-specialized and standardized Machine Learning Pipeline, fully integrated with CICD. Tools involved: Bitbucket, Docker, Pytest, Google Vertex AI Pipeline, Secret Manager, BigQuery, Cloud Function, Cloud Scheduler, Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage.
• Built a Git repository as an easy-to-use toolkit for the commonly used DS processes with the implementation of unit testing. Tools involved: Bitbucket, Docker, Pytest.
• Acted as a panelist in Pakar STEM session of Maxis's flagship community program, Maxis eKelas to encourage and support the younger generation who plan on choosing STEM pathway as their own career path.
• Acted as an accessor for Maxis Scholarship Program 2021 to support Maxis Young Talent team in accessing potential scholarship candidates.

• Built a churn prediction pipeline for prepaid users. Tools involved: Refer to standardized pipeline tools.
• Built a churn prediction pipeline for postpaid users. Tools involved: Refer to standardized pipeline tools.
• Built AWS recommender system pipeline for recommending best plans on Hotlink App according to user behaviour and personalisation. Tools involved: AWS SageMaker, AWS Lambda, AWS S3, AWS Glue, AWS EC2, AWS Athena, AWS Quicksight, AWS CloudWatch, AWS EventBridge, AWS SSM.

• Drive and involved in building a resume search app that optimize the HR recruitment process. Tools involved: Elasticsearch, Google Cloud Storage, App Engine Flex, Streamlit.
google cloud aws
Oct 2020 - Apr 2021 (6 months)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Data Scientist
• Automated a customer segmentation pipeline using Azure resources. Tool involved: Azure Synapse, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Databricks, Azure Data Factory, Azure SQL.
• Built a fraud detection pipeline for detecting anomaly transactions & claims for Finance teams. Tools involved: t-SNE, Autoencoder with PyTorch Lightning, Azure Databricks, Azure Blob Storage, Power BI.
• Built a general forecasting pipeline for univariate forecasting. Tools involved: DARTS, Azure Databricks, Azure Blob Storage, Power BI.
• Built a sentiment analysis pipeline for to turn the projects feedback into actionable insights. Tools involved: HuggingFace, Azure Databricks, Azure Blob Storage, Power BI.
• Built a Git repository as an easy-to-use tools for the commonly used DS processes with the implementation of unit testing. Tools involved: GitHub, Docker, Pytest.

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