Benjamin III Lazaro
Manila, Philippines

Benjamin is a freelance IT consultant with over 20+ years career in the IT industry; have taken up several tech roles from web development, network support engineer, IT bootcamp instructor and application developer. Due to the ongoing pandemic, he is currently transitioning into the role of a remote Python / Web Developer and actively updating his software development skillset.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Top 10
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
5 years 10 months
Makati City, Philippines
Freelance IT Consultant
May 2018 - Mar 2022 (3 years 10 months)
Providing IT consultation services to small local businesses who are unable to afford their own dedicated IT department.
Web Development Web Server
May 2016 - May 2018 (2 years)
• Taken up online (Udemy) courses to rebuild software development skills (Python & Web Development)
python3 web development python3 nodeJS javascript html5 mongodb mongoose css3 expressjs npm responsive design
Fujitsu Philippines, Inc.
Sep 1998 - Apr 2016 (17 years 7 months)
Makati City, Metro Manila Philippines
Technology Support Specialist
Technology Support Specialist: January 2007 to April 2016
• Onboard network support engineer assigned to the Network-IT SysAdmin group of PLDT (Philippine Long Distance Telephone) company; providing on-site administration, maintenance and support of purchased network devices, servers and Network Management System (NMS) applications hosted on Linux & Windows servers

• Allied Telesis certified network support engineer and project manager for the multi-phased roll-out, maintenance, support and user training of purchased network devices; wrote a script (PHP) that automates the backup of the said devices’ configuration files

• CCNA certified network support engineer implementing scheduled corrective and preventive maintenance of PLDT's routers and switches

Techcnical Support Engineer: October 2004 to December 2006
• Web developer of the server support group (Integrated Support Manila); rebuilt the group's Intranet website from the ground-up (HTML, CSS & JS), automated administrative tasks (PHP) and successfully increased the team's online presence within the Fujitsu's Asia-Pacific region group of companies

• Project manager and web application tester of an in-house web-based incident tracking application (HTML, CSS, JSP & MySQL) for an internal client, Fujitsu Australia, Ltd.

Supervising Application Systems Engineer: September 1998 to September 2004
• Developerment team member tasked to design and build from the ground-up, a prototype online shopping web application (HTML, CSS & JS) using a proprietary database application (Jasmine) and later a web-based content management system application (PHP & MySQL)

• Web development fundamentals (HTML, CSS, JS & Adobe Photoshop) bootcamp instructor
Allied Telesis NMS Backend development html css javascript php mysql web development
Distributed Processing Systems, Inc.
Jul 1997 - Jul 1998 (1 year)
Makati City, Metro Manila Philippines
• Administration, code base maintenance and content management of the DPSI's corporate website (HTML & CSS)

• Code base maintenance and content management of DPSI customers' business and personal websites (HTML, CSS & AppleScript)
CSS html javascript applescript apple macintosh os

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