Maximilian Beck
Leipzig, Germany

I’m focused on the programming languages JavaScript/TypeScript, PHP and Java and work with frameworks and libraries like React, Redux, RxJS, Angular, Vue, React-Native, NextJS, NestJS, Laravel, Spring. I love to discover new things and getting challenged by requirements or technologies that are new to me and where i can learn something during development. Experienced in building maintainable and scalable applications based on web technologies.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Top 50
Top 50
Top 10
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
May 2020 - Jul 2020 (2 months)
Software Development Coach
Helping new Developers with the start in the world of software development
- Git
- JavaScript/TypeScript fundamentals
- Introduction to Angular/React
- OOP and Design Patterns for TypeScript and PHP
- Introduction to building maintainable web applications with PHP/Laravel and Microsoft SQL Server
- Software Development Processes and Data Modelig
- Creating 12factor Applications
- Docker
PHP Laravel Angular TypeScript angular rxjs ngrx angular material docker
Beltz Grafische Betriebe GmbH
3 years 9 months
Web Developer
Jan 2019 - Dec 2019 (11 months)
- Refactored the Homepage for better SEO
- Migrated the Backend from Slimframework to Laravel
- Refactored the JavaScript from ES5+RequireJS to ES6 with Babel+Webpack
- Introduced a continuous delivery pipeline via GitLab
JavaScript Laravel php docker mysql Blade
Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung
Sep 2014 - Jul 2017 (2 years 10 months)
Developed data conversion scripts in Perl and VBA. Developed full-stack web projects in java (JSP, Hibernate), PHP (Slimframework, Laravel), and JavaScript (jQuery, React, AngularJS)

- CRM Software "TPO"
Use: Notify customers about order progress
Technology: Java 8, J2E, Liferay, Hibernate, Maven, Tomcat, Postgresql, jQuery, Bootstrap, Subversion
- Time Tracking
Use: Software to track time and relate tracking entries to related orders
Technology: PHP, Slimframework, Mysql, AngularJS, Babel, Webpack
Java php javascript MySQL PostgreSQL ReactJS AngularJS Liferay tomcat hibernate junit maven Slimframework Laravel jquery bootstrap apache
4 years 4 months
Leipzig, Germany
Lead Software Developer
Jan 2018 - Dec 2021 (3 years 11 months)
Leading a team of developers. Conception and implementation of software architecture models.

- Refactoring a Spryker shop system to a platform with decoupled services using PHP, Symfony, TypeScript, Docker, Github Actions, and AWS (Cognito, Lambda, S3, STS, SNS, Amplify)
- Support at developing a mobile shop app with React-Native, TypeScript, and GraphQL
- Real estate management app for phones and tablets with React-Native, Redux, TypeScript
- Chat and file sharing backend with NestJS,, AWS, Github Actions, Lerna
- Architecture consulting; Coaching for React/TypeScript best practices
- Dynamic theming service with Express, SCSS, Gulp
- Connection bridge for FNMS with Golang, Spring Boot
- Geoinformation system with Ionic, OpenLayers, Angular, Spring Boot, PostGIS
- Food ordering app with React-Native, Redux, RxJS, Laravel
- Search platform for holiday homes in over 16 countries with React, Redux, RxJS, Laravel, K8S, Azure, Express, Docker
- Web-UI for a Chef Provisioning extension with React, Redux, RxJS, Material-UI, Laravel, Docker
typescript php java Docker ExpressJS Go GraphQL Laravel NestJS PHP React Native Redux spring Symfony ReactJS cypress jest phpunit junit Angular Ionic
Jul 2017 - Dec 2017 (5 months)
Conception and implementation of frontend and backend services (mostly in JavaScript).

- Frontend for a Document-Management-System
- Server-Side-Rendered React frontend to request hotels for meetings and conferences

- React, Redux, Express, Babel, Docker, Laravel, MongoDB, Redis, GitlabCI, Vue
javascript ReactJS React Native MongoDB Redux VueJS rxjs mariadb Laravel ExpressJS
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