Victor Nwike
Lagos, Nigeria

Full-Stack .Net/C# and Java Developer, with over 5 years of experience in building and maintaining banking products and payment gateways, looking for challenging projects in a collaborative environment.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 3%
Associate Developer
Top 50
Top 10
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Feb 2023 - Jun 2024 (1 year 4 months)
Lagos State, Nigeria · Hybrid
Software Developer
• Building and maintaining Core banking Application developed using Java, C#, Springboot and APS.Net Core.
• Upgrading and converting existing. Net Application to Microservice architecture.
• Unit tested each component, service methods and repository with xUnit Test Framework and Fluent Assertions.
• Interface with business analysts, developers, and technical support to determine optimal specifications.
C# Java
Feb 2022 - Apr 2023 (1 year 2 months)
Lagos, Nigeria · Hybrid
Software Developer
• Developed APS.Net Core API service to handle user Authentication with AWS Cognito.
• Data modelled tables and their relationships using Entity Framework Fluent API and MySQL as Database.
• Unit tested each component, service methods and repository with xUnit Test Framework and Fluent Assertions.
• Cooperate diligently with other IT team members to plan, design, and develop smart solutions.
• Interface with business analysts, developers, and technical support to determine optimal specifications.
AWS database MySQL
Stanbic IBTC
Mar 2021 - Mar 2022 (1 year)
Lagos, Nigeria
Software Engineer
• Built and deployed Full-Stack products to facilitate banking operations.
• Technologies used: C#, Java, Oracle, APS.Net Core, Springboot and Angular.
• Transformed existing software to correct errors, upgrade interfaces, and improve efficiency.
• Collaborate with team members to ensure that relating features on each sprint meets product requirement.
Angular C# Java

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