Jan 2020 - Nov 2021 (1 year 10 months)
Porto Alegre, RS
I joined Sicredi as the onboarding's team iOS Dev. continuing the work of a previous engineer i created most of the onboarding flow, which included mostly text inputs and pickers that were standardized through two different apps. I also worked on refactoring a "proof of life" feature that included using Google's vision API and the front facing camera to detect a blink for taking a selfie of the user for the bank's database, that feature had a high rate of false negative fails, causing users to get stuck for a while trying to blink, or having a picture taken after moving the phone, resulting in a bad selfie that the user had to re-take. I was able to then improve that flow to capture blinks more precisely, and only taking a picture when we had eye detection locked in, which removed those unwanted pictures while the user was moving the phone closer to their faces.
Later we had a dev in the design system leave the company, and I asked to be relocated to that team, which I saw as the most important role in the iOS squad (~15 devs), we had a big DS library and that role required a lot of interaction with the other devs, onboarding new people and being cautious with component changes, since we had screenshot testing on ~50% of the app, a small change in one component resulted in failing tests for a good bunch of the team. there was a lot of debate on how strict the components should be, we had a strict library and some devs had to work around it in order to develop their features, so I created a new model for how components could be built in a way to allow more overriding and customizability. and one of my biggest contributions was updating the typography tokens to include the custom letter spacing and line height we had on Figma, up until that point devs were using wrong tokens to compensate for the different font box size we had on iOS.
database ios