Bruno Wide
Porto Alegre, Brazil
CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 4%
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Jun 2023 - Feb 2024 (8 months)
iOS Engineer | Foundation
Goodnotes was a great experience for me, GN5 had millions of users, and was awarded a Best iPad app of the year. I Joined Goodnotes as a contractor to help ship GN6, I mainly focused on performance and stability fronts, adding better metrics to track performance. Another project I suggested and developed fully was a Background Tasks update. Adding Background Processing mode to GN6 and performing long running, CPU intensive tasks in the background, while the device is charging.
Dec 2021 - Jun 2023 (1 year 6 months)
iOS Developer

Perimeter - Theft deterrence
(now echo 54)
A home security app integrated with a home hub and cameras. I created the MVP home app in swiftUI we used for testing with a few beta clients, collecting quality feedback and building our features based on those feedbacks. the first app version got on TestFlight in 2 months, then we had bi-weekly updates with new features we wanted to test, such as local video monitoring, integrated with our camera's pre-compiled Objective-C SDK, push notifications with video preview, a video feed of the user's home activity... Here I developed some open source components for UI elements we created, such as

January AI

I joined the two other iOS devs at january shortly after the initial steps of creating the app. My mission was to help them create a sustainable codebase using swiftUI with my previous experience at perimeter. We built a feature rich app with multiple tabs, charts connected to apple health and multiple other sources, detailed food and exercise logging (time, quantity, number of calories...) a complete user health profile setup. i worked on a lot of the UI components that are reused in all of those flows and ensured they were accessible to dynamic type, had fluid animations in different navigation contexts, etc, and also worked on most of the profile, onboarding and home screen. this app was very demanding in terms of UI and reusability, we had similar screens for onboarding and profile, and constant redesigns based on user feedback, using my views and components, we created a large onboarding, that was later broken down to smaller parts accessible within the first weeks of the app experience, and we did that with minor refactors.
ios Objective-C
Jan 2020 - Nov 2021 (1 year 10 months)
Porto Alegre, RS
Desenvolvedor iOS - Design System
I joined Sicredi as the onboarding's team iOS Dev. continuing the work of a previous engineer i created most of the onboarding flow, which included mostly text inputs and pickers that were standardized through two different apps. I also worked on refactoring a "proof of life" feature that included using Google's vision API and the front facing camera to detect a blink for taking a selfie of the user for the bank's database, that feature had a high rate of false negative fails, causing users to get stuck for a while trying to blink, or having a picture taken after moving the phone, resulting in a bad selfie that the user had to re-take. I was able to then improve that flow to capture blinks more precisely, and only taking a picture when we had eye detection locked in, which removed those unwanted pictures while the user was moving the phone closer to their faces.

Later we had a dev in the design system leave the company, and I asked to be relocated to that team, which I saw as the most important role in the iOS squad (~15 devs), we had a big DS library and that role required a lot of interaction with the other devs, onboarding new people and being cautious with component changes, since we had screenshot testing on ~50% of the app, a small change in one component resulted in failing tests for a good bunch of the team. there was a lot of debate on how strict the components should be, we had a strict library and some devs had to work around it in order to develop their features, so I created a new model for how components could be built in a way to allow more overriding and customizability. and one of my biggest contributions was updating the typography tokens to include the custom letter spacing and line height we had on Figma, up until that point devs were using wrong tokens to compensate for the different font box size we had on iOS.
database ios

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