Marcelo Rodovalho

I always seek to implement organized, documented, standardized codes so that they are easy to maintain. I excelled in my previous work for my creativity, intelligence, practicality, responsibility and communication. I have a vast portfolio ranging from website creation and development, mobile applications to full systems.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 44 events
Top 50
Top 50
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Nov 2022 - Nov 2022 (Less than a month)
Lisbon, Portugal · Remote
Lead PHP Developer
During my tenure as Tech Lead at @HanseCom, my role encompassed various crucial responsibilities. Beyond spearheading the development of innovative features, I also played a pivotal part in conducting Code Reviews to ensure code quality. Additionally, I actively collaborated with the QA team, guiding them through testing procedures.

Recognizing the significance of keeping the technology up-to-date, I dedicated efforts to refactor the legacy code, ensuring seamless compatibility with the latest PHP and Symfony versions. Moreover, I took an active part in refining and estimating project stories during meetings.

Onboarding new team members and facilitating their integration into both the team and the company culture also fell within my purview. I embraced the role of a coach, offering support and monitoring the progress of fellow developers, fostering a collaborative and growth-oriented environment.
Apr 2022 - Oct 2022 (6 months)
New York, United States · Remote
Senior Magento Developer
As a Magento developer at @McGraw Hill, my primary role involved migrating an outdated e-commerce system developed in Java to the Adobe Commerce platform. This undertaking required the creation of numerous new functionalities tailored to align closely with the client's specific business rules. Additionally, I undertook several customizations to meet their unique requirements. Notably, our implementation exclusively utilized Magento's Rest API, with no frontend involvement.

Throughout the project, I assumed numerous responsibilities, including conducting thorough Code Reviews, guiding the team in adopting Magento's best practices, devising comprehensive unit tests for extensive coverage, and actively researching and suggesting more efficient and high-performing solutions.
Oct 2018 - Oct 2022 (4 years)
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Software Architect
E-commerce development with Magento 2, code review, unit tests, SCRUM

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Jan 2014 - Present
ENEM - Administrar Dados do Participante
Feb 2014 - Feb 2014
"O Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) foi criado em 1998 com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho do estudante ao fim da educação básica, buscando contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade desse nível de escolaridade. A partir de 2009 passou a ser utilizado também como mecanismo de seleção para o ingresso no ensino superior" (fonte: http://portal.inep.gov.br/web/enem/sobre-o-enem, acessado em 14/05/2014).
Desenvolvimento da funcionalidade responsável pela visualização/alteração dos dados pessoais do participante após o período de inscrição. Utilizando-se o framework do INEP (INEPZend - Zend framework 2 com ORM Doctrine) com o Web Service da Receita Federal do Brasil na utilização de consulta dos dados pessoais do participante.
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Universidade do Distrito Federal
Bachelor, System Analysis and Development
Jan 2017 - Jan 2019
TI Exames
Course, Scrum
Feb 2014 - Mar 2014
Aug 2023
Nov 2020

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