Chuan Jin
Senior Technical Executive at Orientalent
Goeteborg, Sweden

I have been working as a software developer, love writing clean and concise code. I also enjoy working as a system engineer, design solutions to solve real problems. I am taking more responsibility as a tech lead, enjoy leading a small agile team during each iteration. I am also learning to be a product manager, have my own taste and philosophy to think of products. I am on my way to be an entrepreneur, dream big and care about details as well. Interested area: Web Apps, Open Source, System Automation, Linux, IoT, Security, CI/CD, embedded system, Blockchain. Programming: Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Shell script, Ruby, Go, Erlang/Elixir Frameworks: Flask, FastAPI, Ruby on Rails, Django, Node.js, Vue.js, Phoenix, Sails.js Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB Version Control: Git, Subversion DevOps: Kubernetes, Chef, SaltStack, Fabric, Ansible, Jenkins, GoCD Containers: Docker, Vagrant

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 3%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 35 events
Associate Developer
Associate Developer
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Jul 2021 - Present (3 years 8 months)
Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County Current workspace
Currently Chuan Jin supports the Orientalent

Chuan Jin's scores will be added to this company.

Senior Technical Executive
Responsible for the technical part of the company, nevertheless, work as a servant to help my colleagues remove blockers, and lead inhouse projects and meanwhile taking part in recruitment and business development, etc.
Jan 2021 - Jul 2021 (6 months)
Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County
Senior Software Consultant
Software build toolchain developer/DevOps

Keywords: Groovy, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Shell Script, ReactJS, TypeScript, AWS, RabbitMQ, micro-services, GitHub, CI/CD, DevOps, Nexus
AWS devops Kubernetes ReactJS TypeScript
CEVT (China Euro Vehicle Technology AB)
Nov 2018 - Jan 2021 (2 years 2 months)
Gothenburg, Sweden
Senior Software Consultant
Software infrastructure developer/DevOps

Keywords: Linux, Git, Kubernetes, Docker, Shell Script, Python, Go, Flask, API, Vue, micro-services, GCP, GitLab, Ansible, CI/CD, DevOps, Test Automation, MQTT, Prometheus, Grafana, Android, Nexus, Release Management
Android devops Docker Flask Go Kubernetes Python VueJS

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Continuous Integration
Jun 2017 - Dec 2017
Taking DevOps role in CI team, mainly working with continuous integration, test automation, build and delivery support for WRAT and Verizon projects. In addition to the above, the daily duties also include technical support for developers in other teams.

Keywords: Linux, Git, Python, Shell Script, Node.js, Knockout.js, Javascript, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, GNU make, System Automation, CI, CD, DevOps, Jenkins, Groovy, Gerrit
Apr 2017 - Sep 2017
Build backend middleware to control communication between master and slave devices over TCP/IP and serial, which is part of the product for the customer (BEST Teleprodukter AB). Implement peer to peer communication and broadcasting, logging and handling system errors and exceptions, monitoring and configuring the VoIP system and automate all dependencies installation and deployment.

Keywords: Python, Linux, SIP, VoIP, Automation, System Integration, C, C++, QT, TCP/IP, Raspberry Pi, Embedded
Insights Cloud & Media Monitoring
May 2015 - Sep 2016
Work as backend developer for the Saas big data product, which brings structured insights and predictions to users based on large amount of social media data analytics, e.g. data from facebook, twitter, instagram, news and blogs, etc.

Keywords: Distributed System, Scalable Cloud-based Apps, Saas, Python, Flask, RESTful API, MongoDB, MySQL, rabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, SaltStack, Fabric , data mining & processing, Git, AWS, Continuous Integration, Go Continuous Delivery, Sonarqube, supervisord, nodervisor, APScheduler, machine learning, TDD.

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Uppsala University
Master, Computer Science
Jan 2008 - Dec 2010
The Complete Elixir and Phoenix Bootcamp
Mar 2018
Front End Development Program
Dec 2016
Ruby on Rails from Scratch
Jul 2016

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