Eduardo Cuducos
Lead Backend Engineer at Rings AI
Ottawa, Canada

I am passionate about software and automating boring and challenging stuff. I have experience in programming languages such as Python, Go, Ruby, Rust, Elm, and TypeScript. This includes tests, CI/CD, and working with agile methods and best practices. I am also an expert in civic technology. I work with people and civil society organizations to empower them through the digital world. That's the tone of my open source projects you can find at my GitHub

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 17 events
Top 10
Top 1
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Rings AI
Jan 2024 - Present (1 year 2 months)
Remote Current workspace
Currently Eduardo Cuducos supports the Rings AI

Eduardo Cuducos's scores will be added to this company.

Lead Backend Engineer
It is my responsibility to refactor the backend of the product for scalability. The criteria for success are reducing cloud, increasing code quality and technical culture, as well as allowing the platform to onboard 100 to 1000x more users.

• Design and implement modules for reusability in different parts of the stack
• Identify performance bottlenecks and implement alternative solutions in code and architecture.
• Create patterns and documentation for code quality, as well as automate code quality checks
• Promote proactivity, transparency and collaboration in tech conversations within the team
python quart postgresql
Dec 2020 - Dec 2023 (3 years)
Ottawa, Ontario
I work at the Quality & Trust Automation building tools to improve the quality of third-party apps from the Shopify App Store.

• Implemented merchant-facing features using generative IA related to Shopify's App Store;
• Implemented a new payout system for third-party developers using multiple payment methods, such as bank accounts, PayPal, and others;
• Automated the queue for manual audits in the Shopify App Store, allowing our operations team to invest time in the most pressing issues;
• Enhanced tooling for the operations team to better understand the quality of third-party apps;
• Automated dozens of quality checks for every app available in the Shopify App Store;
• Prototyped new implementations and solutions using Go and Rust for higher performance and availability;
• Contributed to open-source libraries maintained by Shopify.
ruby typescript
World Bank Group
Aug 2019 - Nov 2020 (1 year 3 months)
Washington D.C. Metro Area
Fellow for Civic Engagement & Agile Bank Program
I worked on three different fronts: operations, corporate, and knowledge sharing.

On operations, I contributed to projects in Africa and Asia: Mozambique (digital response to COVID-19 at the level of the Ministry of Health's National Health Institute), Nigeria (connecting the local civic tech communities and civil society engagement to empower monitoring and evaluation platforms for local sub-projects), Kazahstan (theory of change for a project focused on artificial intelligence and smart cities), Guinea (designing the implementation for an integrated system for citizen engagement at three different levels; national, sub-national, and community levels), and Niger (discussing the digital infrastructure and the strategy for the implementation of an early-warning system).

Also, I was part of the Citizen Engagement Secretariat, joining the discussion with World Bank staff and other civil society organizations providing feedback for on-going operations in countries such as Tanzania, Iraq, and Malawi.

On the corporate side, I delivered, with the Agile team, three workshops in Kazakhstan for the country and regional offices and members of the federal government. There and in the headquarters in DC, I also delivered clinics focused on agile methodologies, mainly Kaban and Scrum.

Finally, on knowledge sharing, I co-organized and acted as a panelist in the panel "Government as a platform and Civil Society participation" at the Global Partnership for Social Accountability Forum (2019), contributed with posts to the Governance blog on civic tech and social media accounts, and co-authored a paper on fraud detection in the public sector.
python go

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Minha Receita
Jun 2019 - Jun 2019
Minha Receita uses Go and PostgreSQL to create an open and free web API serving public data of Brazilian companies. The Federal Revenue publishes a new batch of data monthly. The project downloads the data and runs it through an ETL to build the backend database. The web API serves approx 25 million HTTP responses a month and has over 700 stars and 20 contributors. I am the creator and maintainer of the project.
Operação Serenata de Amor
Sep 2016 - Feb 2019
Co-founder of the project who acted as developer and community manager. Currently I offer sparse contributions as a volunteer.
Vamos aprender Elm!
Oct 2016 - Nov 2016
An introductory series to teach Elm programming language. The initiative pioneered the Elm community in Brazil and the chat group for the course was embraced as the Elm Brazil community channel.

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
University of Essex
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Sociology
Jan 2013 - Dec 2019
University of Oxford
Summer school, Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme
Jan 2016 - Dec 2016
CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Winter school, Nontraditional labour markets driven by technological and organizational change
Jan 2015 - Dec 2015
Schumacher College
Short course, Complexity and Collaboration: Applying Complexity Theory to Organizational
Jan 2014 - Dec 2014
The University of Manchester
Summer school, Manchester International Summer School on Emerging Technologies
Jan 2014 - Dec 2014
University of Essex
Master of Arts - MA, Sociological Research
Jan 2012 - Dec 2013
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Master of Arts - MA, Sociology and Political Science
Jan 2008 - Dec 2010
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Bachelor of Arts - BA, Graphic Design
Jan 2001 - Dec 2005
Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)
Aug 2019
Verified International Academic Qualifications
Sep 2020

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