Ali Faour
Information Technology Intern at Royal Development For Gas Works
Sidon, Lebanon

Adaptable and enthusiastic Computer Engineering graduate with advanced level skills in multiple programming domains, automation, and responsive web development and design. Seeking full time challenging position in a high-quality engineering environment where my academic skills will add value to organizational operations.

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Top 3%
Top 5
Top 5
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

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List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Royal Development For Gas Works
Jan 2023 - Present (2 years)
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Emirate Current workspace
Currently Ali Faour supports the Royal Development For Gas Works

Ali Faour's scores will be added to this company.

Information Technology Intern
This internship provides the essentials of information technologies by utilizing and managing a data center server connected to a CRM and an ERP software to track down technical difficulties clients may face regarding gas delivery.

Responsibilities revolved over the following:
- Maintenance of the engineering department hardware such as hardware upgrades and software updates.
- Monitoring and reviewing the security logs of the data center and its data integrity.
- Utilization of the Microsoft AD DS framework to authenticate and authorize the users and distribute them according to their scope of work (usage of the Forest structuring).
- Network configurations and cable management (LAN Cable Configurations T568B and CLI configurations)
networking troubleshooting active directory
Tough Leaf
Aug 2022 - Jan 2023 (5 months)
Full-stack Developer
Provided third party support for buildout of a US-based construction and project bidding platform
Utilized OOP and PDO structuring in PHP for backend data processing
Designed a responsive frontend via the gridding system by using Bootstrap classes
Performed optimization of the website to reach SEO compatibility
Source code version control via Git commands
Bootstrap OOP PHP SEO
Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Voyager: Booking and Travel System
Jul 2022 - Sep 2022
Voyager is a booking and a social networking website that provides users with relevant traveling suggestions based on their preferences. This website will revolve around achieving maximum user satisfaction through the utilization of proper UX/UI design in addition to the usage of SEO (search engine optimization). Voyager will utilize ASP.NET Core MVC backend framework to deliver a flexible flow of data and security. Users can view and access the page from the landing page and log in and get the chance of booking and access the social community to view the experiences of other users. Users can also take advantage of the AI chat bot integrated into the website for an easy and clear assistance in getting more information about bookings, tours and prices. An administrative role would be able to view and create, edit and delete trips and posts from a dashboard.

This website contained a broad spectrum of tools when implementing it. Therefore, the following is a detailed explanation of the why, how and when these tools were used:
• ASP.NET Core MVC 5 v6.0. ASP.NET Core MVC is the base tool of the website utilized to build and design the structure of the website.
• Entity Framework. EF is an object-database oriented mapper that supports LINQ, SQL queries, and schema migrations.
• Identity Framework. IF provides a complex yet simple to execute security protocols which facilitate the management of users and data.
• Bot Framework. Provides the set of tools needed for the chat bot structuring and management.
• Bootstrap and SCSS Framework. Provides useful designing structure such as gridding and preset utility.
• Razor Pages used for representing the data extracted from the entity framework.
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Power Spectrum Density Analyzer
Mar 2022 - May 2022
Power spectrum analysis is a technique commonly used by PID tuning software and applies a fast Fourier transform (FFT) to the variation of a particular signal to compute its frequency spectrum. The result is presented as a plot of signal power against frequency and is referred to as its power spectrum. The power spectrum of a signal indicates the relative magnitudes of the frequency components that combine to make up the signal.

The data used to determine the power spectrum must reflect sufficient excitation in the signal. Ideally, the signal should be subject to some form of random excitation in order to generate appropriate data.

The power spectrum is useful for determining the degree of noise that is associated with the signal and also deciding on appropriate sampling rates (following the guidelines of Shannon's sampling theorem).

The Spectrum analyzer play a crucial role in testing and configuring everyday applications before deployment:

• Wi-Fi-testing
• Voice and data Communication such as cellular radio
• Digital videos
• Radar test analysis
• Noise and interference detection.
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Security System using Ultra sonic sensor and RFID technology
Oct 2021 - Jan 2022
Security systems play an important role in keeping properties safe from any unwanted intrusion. Since the introduction of IoT, these systems were the first to develop and introduced into every day's life.

Nevertheless, this project will mainly simulate the similar actions of an industrial security system using the ATMEGAA328p while interfacing with an RFID; that will be functioning as an accessing key for the device hence letting the user operate the different functionalities available.

The liquid crystal display plays a crucial role in the device function. It guides the user which the process through printing the Strings stored in the ATMega328P SPRs exclusively the Z registers.

The Ultra sonic sensor will play the role of triggering the RFID scanning process or in this case the USART process for the limitation the simulating Software.

This project uses USART as an alternative for an RFID due to the limitation in the proteus components.
USART stands for Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. It is sometimes called the Serial Communications Interface or SCI. The USART is most commonly used in the asynchronous mode to communicate to a PC serial port. USART can be configured using four main registers in atmega328P microcontroller.
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This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Lebanese International University
Bachelor of Science - BS, Computer Engineering
Oct 2019 - Sep 2022
Major mainly focused on the core principals of computer architectures and their use cases. In addition to providing proper understanding of programming, development tools, and engineering theory inorder to solve, analyze and properly tackle every day problems. Ranging from low level development using Assembly on the ATMEGA328p to the utilization of OOP concepts using Java, I was able to develop the needed mindset in tackling problematic scenarios.
Computer Hardware Basics
Feb 2023
Introduction to IoT
Feb 2023
Certificate of Completion: Amazon Web Services Cloud Practitioner Essentials
Dec 2022

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