Jul 2010 - May 2013 (2 years 10 months)
Belo Horizonte Area, Brazil
Led development of a large recommendations platform to improve Brazilian e-commerce conversion rates.
Developed and maintained several custom showcases with different recommendation and product similarity algorithms.
Developed and maintained an RPC protocol using ZeroMQ for streams of real-time data and remote method invocations.
Fined tuned Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms and prototypes.
Built a high-availability, scalable architecture to handle 900+ web requests/sec.
Developed an internal dashboard of custom metrics using Rails, JavaScript, and MongoDB.
Used AWS stack to handle huge clusters of machines and distributed services.
Processed large behavioral datasets.
Technologies: Ruby, JavaScript, Rails, Redis, ZeroMQ, Memcached, MongoDB, Amazon RedShift, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Hadoop, Mahout, Nginx, Sphinx