Dashon Hawkins
Phoenix, United States

I am a full-stack Javascript/Node JS software developer with professional experience with Progressive Web Apps, API's (REST and GraphQL), microservices, integrations, nonrelational/relational databases with frameworks, tools, such ReactJS, Headless CMS, Serverless, CI/CD (Linux/Windows/macOS), TDD, Git/Github, etc. using algorithms and data structures in functional and ObjectOriented programming design patterns in an Agile environment for scalable web/mobile/Progressive/hybrid applications.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 4%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 1 events
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Ghetto Geek LLC
4 years 8 months
Nov 2017 - Nov 2021 (4 years)
- Developing goals & strategies for a small team of designers, developers, &
engineers both local & globally
- Collaborating w/ vendors in order to improve the company’s
- Ensuring the products/services align w/ business goals
- Increasing company revenue by delivering creative, cutting-edge technology
& automation solutions to customers
- Setting a vision for how technology will be used in the company
- Ensuring that technological resources meet the company's short and long-
term needs
- Creating budgets & timelines for the development & deployment of all
technological services.
- Making executive decisions on behalf of the company's technological
- Always mentoring inspiration, motivation & encouragement to team members
while efficiently delegating tasks & responsibilities.
- Maintaining a consumer-focused outlook & aiding in the delivery of client
technology projects to market.
- Consistently staying on top of technology trends and developments.
- Ensuring all technology practices adhere to regulatory standards.
- Invariably demonstrating exceptional team management skills.
- Excellent verbal, communication, interpersonal, written, leadership & public
speaking skills.
- Has matured an extensive industry knowledge w/ an eye towards the future
- Developed technical aspects of the company’s strategy to ensure alignment w/
it's business goals
- Discovered, researched, automated, implement & scaled new technologies
that yield consistent competitive advantages
- Build quality assurance & data protection processes
- Monitor + approve pull-requests, conduct code reviews, KPIs & Dev budgets to
assess technological performance
- Familiarity with various business functions such as best practices, corporate
governance, marketing, sales, finance, HR, etc
JAMstack serverless Headless CMS GraphQL ReactJS javascript nodeJS api gatsby FaunaDB postgresql tailwindcss ExpressJS rest api microservices mysql scss tdd ci/cd git Styled Components bash command line github progressive web apps aws lambda amazon s3 amazon ec2 google cloud next.js visual studio code wordpress wordpress theming macos linux ssh devsecops unit testing design patterns agile database design gridview responsive design figma websocket sass es6 gitlab functional programming oop bluetooth lowenergy algorithm scrum Shopify json
Freelance Web Developer
Feb 2017 - Jun 2021 (4 years 4 months)
Full-Stack javascript (React/Node/Vue) web, mobile (React Native/Expo/Ionic), blockchain, e-commerce & Progressive Web application design, prototyping, development, testing, custom integration, automation, & deployment, including custom website (Gatsby), & WordPress, Serverless (AWS Lambda), Headless CMS (Netlify/WordPress/Contentful), & non-relational/relational database (GraphQL/FaunaDB) development utilizing JAMstack architecture, etc. aimed at leveraging affordable technology solutions to startups, entrepreneurs, influencers & small businesses. We also do video (4K music videos, content creation, commercials, real estate, corporate with an aerial drone, live streaming, podcasting, editing and on location) as well as music (incl. mobile DJ, and scoring) production. We even handle branding (logo creation, color palette, style guides, font book, social media/reputation management) and online marketing.
JavaScript nodeJS progressive web apps database serverless ReactJS ci/cd github tdd agile JAMstack gatsby rest api GraphQL postgresql FaunaDB tailwindcss Headless CMS scrum scss database design microservices ExpressJS json api algorithm aws google cloud next.js mysql bash command line devsecops design patterns ssh gridview flexbox figma responsive design unit testing jira websocket sass
Community Bridges
Mar 2012 - Dec 2014 (2 years 9 months)
Phoenix, Arizona Area
Behavioral Health Technician
Provided support to other mental healthcare professionals and worked as a facilitator with patients dealing with various behavioral problems/issues to include: mental instability, emotional abuse, substance abuse/self-medicating, co-occurring illness, post-traumatic stress disorder. My essential job duties include implementing treatment plans, maintaining records, and ensuring a supportive and compassionate environment for patients. Some of the soft skills included consistent medical communication & teamwork with other staff, patient empathy, bedside manners, and excellent interpersonal skills.
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