David Shiko
Tel Aviv, Israel

I am a python backend developer with 2+ years of experience. Came to development from cyber security (graduate of HackerU), have the CEH certificate. If you are looking for a talented backend developer - it's here. My top-one skill: High-speed learning and self-taught ability. + Have an over-advanced knowledge of python. + Have advanced knowledge in cyber-security. + Strong theoretical computer science skills. + Strong both hard and soft skills. + Experience in non-specialization areas (System administration, low-level programming, hardware circuits, frontend development, cryptography, traffic analysis, reverse engineering, etc). + Experience with poorly designed legacy code. + Succeed hack experience (sorry a hackathon quiz server). + Success manager experience (got the approval of grant with my command). + Familiar with OOP and SOLID principles, TDD. + Familiar with algorithms and structure patterns. Non-experienced: - Good CV. - B.S. degree. Thrilled to meet my next challenge to overcome it. TLTR; Skills: Python, backend development, Fastapi, SQL, NoSQL, GIT, Docker, Web API, Micro-services, REST, Tests, etc. Languages: Russian - Native. English - Intermediate. Hebrew - Intermediate.

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CodersRank Rank
Top 8%
Highest experience points: 0 points,

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List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Jul 2022 - Dec 2022 (5 months)
Tel Aviv District, Israel
Software engineer
Stack: Python, Go, MySQL, Flask, docker-compose, Nginx.

My task was to fully manage the company's OOBE service.
That work may be divided into the 3 global task types:
1. Maintain existing code base containing 6 sections and about 300 operations.
2. Develop new features and sections.
3. Code review of the old service written on Go.

That was a nice place in "Haskarat ishuv" building alongside a good team of mobile developers, a QA team, a cool product owner, and the remote team lead.

Here are some of my common tasks:
1. Maintaining.
Making changes in existing code by request by the product owner.
Writing tests for it, reflecting changes in OpenAPI, git, push to AWS, and explaining changes to a front-end developer.
2. Development.
I developed from scratch "pushes" section to manage mobile push notifications.
The special features of this section were to support translations to different languages, different tariff plans, and time zones.
3. Reviewing the Go code.
Here nothing difficult. During work, I learned a new code language to understand the old part of the project. Most tasks of this kind were to introduce a new feature on top of the existing GO code.
Another kind of review was to trace that all the product backend development conforms with PRD (product requirements document), including the new and old code bases.
AWS Flask Go MySQL Python flask postgresql celery redis mongodb linux
Jan 2022 - Jan 2022 (Less than a month)
Remote, Russia
Python middle backend developer
That is my current job. Stack: Python, JS, Vue.js, MongoDB, Jinja2, FastAPI, docker-compose, Nginx, Jira, CSS, HTML, Flask. My task is to maintain and develop additional routes, functions, and opportunities, in most cases - for the analytic stuff.

That is the real chaos of different code languages, frameworks, and design patterns. We have legacy code with 3 different languages: Python, Vue js, and javascript and MongoDB with millions of rows! These rows have different sizes of fields, wrong types, unused tables, tons of IDE warnings and bad and mixed design patterns, and so on. It's hard to imagine more bad project code. I'm inventing along with all this chaos and I like it. I feel like a rebelled, like a "Wall-e" with a big ball of mud!

Here are some of my common tasks:
1. Creating a new web interface in the admin space. It's intended for easy tariffs, prices, and bonuses configuration.
The main approach of work is next:
1.1. Coping HTML, CSS styles, and JS code from the most similar web page.
1.2 Detect and remove unnecessary parts of code from the step above.
1.3 Manually changing the appearance and behavior of a new page to correspond with the global app style.
2. Fixing bugs and wrong counters in the old routes. In most cases to fix it, I should prior to fully understanding a code from a previous developer. Unfortunately, no description remained for most of these tasks. I'm just taking an old code as a compass and making necessary restyle and improvements.
3. Auto translation app configuration for other users and languages (Spain, Mexico, Colombia). There is the special set of tools in a *nix ecosystem ("gettext", "pytext", "babel", etc)
CSS Flask HTML JavaScript MongoDB Python VueJS
Feb 2021 - Oct 2021 (8 months)
Russia, Saint-Petersburg
Python backend devloper
Developing backend side for government app for medical patients. Stack: Python, FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Redis, SQLalchemy, Pydating, etc My task is was to develop and maintain the backend part of a new medical service. That was a pretty standard service with the next entities under the hood: User - the end-user who uses a service. He sends all kinds of requests to the clinic (visits, complaints, questions, etc). Operator - The man who accepts a request from the user and translates it to the standard form of the app (like: "rude doctor", "long queue to the doctor", "wrong schedule", etc). In some cases he's answering like: "That is a local law, there is nothing we can do". Manager - The special dedicated person of the clinic who accepts requests from an operator. He should react and eliminate the reason of the request or redirect it to doctor. Doctor - The "rude" doctor that got a warning or a superior of the target "rude: doctor. A single doctor may present a hierarchy of doctors Clinic - The clinic also may present a hierarchy of other clinics. So a request may traversal from an abstract department head to the particular building (clinic) or the doctor. There were other entities and persons but that's a main feature. Interesting parts of work that I implemented: 1. Securely saving files with virus checking. Many servicing skipping this step and got's a viruses programs from a hackers instead of pictures from a legal users. 2. Registration via SMS. There is nothing difficult. 3. The sign-in via google. And other less interesting things as "guest" accounts for unregistered users, binary set tree (BST), and so on.
2000 maximum characters allowed.
PostgreSQL Python ReactJS

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