Ahmad Wael
Cairo, Egypt

Proficient and creative WordPress developer with a strong history in website management and development. Experienced in eCommerce and SEO. Expert in all aspects of WordPress website creation, including design, plug-ins, and implementation. Excel at team projects and leadership. Detail-oriented and knowledgeable in various programming languages.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 3%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 2 events
Top 50
Top 10
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Business Valley
Jun 2019 - Nov 2020 (1 year 5 months)
Cairo, Al Maadi
WordPress Team Lead
We are building a smart online shopping solution based on WordPress/WooCommerce Software that helps all merchants to increase their sales and profit with a lot of tools and facilities, as listed below:

• An organized and styled options panel: with amazing graphics, this can help non-technical people (in our case merchants) to interact with the dashboard and learn about their market easily.
• Dashboard Welcome Page: so the merchant can collect the current status and statistics of his market like current online visitors count, total sales, net profit, orders average, low stock products, and more.
• Ability to add a new product within any screen in the dashboard and with only 5 input fields.
• Regrouped all shop general settings in one organized screen.
• A new smart search engine that can understand that you search for a client, order, or a product.
• Marketing Emails: a module that can help the merchant to contact his clients based on some filtrations like clients with didn't check out their order, returned buyers, selected clients, or all clients.
• Integrations With Wimo: Wimo is a great shipping facilities company and we have integrated our shopping system with their API.
• Online Documentation: So the merchant can get all answers on all questions he will have with very detailed online documentation with screenshots written in Arabic languages.
• A lightweight WordPress/eCommerce theme built on Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Plugin which combines the fast loading and huge amount of customizations.
• Integrations with AWS and multiple servers for load balance and stability.
Devolum Labs
Nov 2017 - Nov 2018 (1 year)
Mansoura, Dakhlia
Co-Founder & Back-end Developer
We Build Websites
Feb 2017 - Aug 2017 (6 months)
Egypt, Mansoura
Backend Developer
We are working on WordPress projects and other PHP websites from upwork platform

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