Dimitra Karamperi
Primary SEO Data Analyst for a Global Consumer Electronics Account at Baresquare
Thessaloniki, Greece

Data Analyst || Cloud Enthusiast || Digital Analytics Developer || Technical Translation/Localization Expert || Data Science Learner

CodersRank Score

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Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 5%
Associate Developer
Top 100
Top 5
Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebook
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
3 years 8 months
Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia Current workspace
Currently Dimitra Karamperi supports the Baresquare

Dimitra Karamperi's scores will be added to this company.

Primary SEO Data Analyst for a Global Consumer Electronics Account
Dec 2021 - Present (2 years 7 months)
➤ Data Analysis (Excel | Google Sheets | Adobe Analytics)
➤ Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Operations
➤ Task Automation with Google Apps Script/Javascript
➤ Project | Task Management
➤ Working Languages: English, Greek
➤ Communication with technical & non-technical stakeholders
Data Analyst/Digital Analytics Developer
Oct 2020 - Mar 2022 (1 year 5 months)
● Data Analysis (Google Sheets | Excel | Adobe Analytics)
● Direct Communication with the client, both for business-as-usual &
ad hoc requests of either quantitative or qualitative nature
● Internal communication with both data developers/engineers &
non-technical stakeholders
● Draft presentation slides for meetings with external consultants &
the client
● Task Automations with Google Apps Script/JavaScript: reduced the
time spent on manual tasks by at least 10%
● Digital Marketing - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Operations,
Technical Audits
● Creating/Managing marketing tags for a Global Consumer
Electronics Account websites via Tealium iQ, a Tag Management
System, using JavaScript & jQuery
excel data analysis google apps script regex sql python javascript jupyter notebook
European Parliament
Feb 2019 - Feb 2020 (1 year)
Brussels, Belgium
Administrative Manager/Geographical Coordinator
As a geographical coordinator, I was responsible for 8 Liaison Offices in Member States. My main tasks were both in the fields of financial supervision and project management:
● Evaluating the annual programming of actions and follow-up on the implementation of the yearly work program in a number of member states as geographic desk
● Drafting of analysis notes and instructions to the EP Liaison Offices, providing advice to the Authorising Officer on policy and administrative questions
● Follow-up on horizontal files and inter-service matters, such as the cooperation with other EP services for questions related to the Liaison Offices
Dimitra Karamperi
Aug 2002 - Jan 2019 (16 years 5 months)
Thessaloniki, Greece
Technical Translator, Transcreator, Project Manager, Proofreader
● Lead Translator of the Greek team dealing with the translation of a leading finance/HR/CRM software
● Technical Translation, Localization, Project Management Services (English | French into Greek)
● 6,450,000+ translated words from English (~80%) & French (~20%) into Greek
● 100+ satisfied companies/translation agencies & hundreds of individual clients
SDL Trados SDL Idiom Technical Localization Transit NXT Technical Translation
Front-End Development Nanodegree
Aug 2018
Intro to Programming Nanodegree
Jun 2020
AWS Machine Learning Foundations Course
Jul 2020

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