Aleksandr Kochnev
Kazan, Russia

Hello, I am Aleksandr! I've been in development since 2016, I really love my job, so I love to learn new technologies and apply them to life. The two main languages I work with are PHP and Python. I often create/maintain various applications using Laravel framework I like the principles of this framework, everything is simple and concise, it doesn't take much time to quickly create an application and put it to work. When I create applications in PHP and Laravel in production I often use Nginx as my main server and I also use MySQL/PostgreSQL as the database. I can set up various tasks in Cron if I need some sort of scheduled tasks outside of Laravel. I like to create different data scrapers and bots, actively work with different APIs (Google Drive, VK API, Binance, etc.). I always use Git and split a project into branches, trying to keep the project in a nice form. Also, have experience with RHEL 8 and setting up the ORACLE database environment. For the frontend work I can use both React and Vue, but I don't specialize in frontend. Python is also my favorite programming language, I usually create some desktop applications or MVP projects to test the effectiveness of the idea. Mostly they are simple APIs in Flask, scrapers, or small software to help me in different situations. I work with neural networks as a hobby. I solve applied tasks on object recognition on the photo, time series prediction, and also image classification. I also had the experience of working with Node.js and Express framework. I had created various APIs and CRUDs just out of curiosity for my home projects Main stack. PHP frameworks: Laravel, Lumen Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL FrontEnd: Vue.js, React

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 5%
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Mar 2020 - Feb 2022 (1 year 11 months)
PHP Developer
Our team was doing web development of a service that allowed drivers from Yandex Taxi to pay from the balance of the taximeter for goods at gas stations/stores/bakeries. The service was created with Laravel, the frontend was created with Vue. At the moment project is expanding and in the near future, absolutely every park of taxi in Russia will be able to use it and receive benefits . The work was done in the team, my task was to develop the architecture of the project with Laravel, as well as help to Junior developers.
Laravel VueJS rabbitmq redis postgresql
Feb 2020 - Mar 2022 (2 years 1 month)
Senior PHP Developer
Work in the outsourcing company Stroki as a Web Developer on three projects.

Moscow SaaS platform (mos.ru)
I was performing various tasks to finalize the project in PHP, worked with the existing API of the portal, created internal services of the portal, as well as worked with Red Hat Linux and lifted different servers on it. I worked with the frontend which was created with VueJs, set up a work environment for the ORACLE database, developed APIs with Yii2 and also microservices, created a delayed report feature using RabbitMq.

I implemented microservice architecture to the project, improved existing functionality made with Codeigniter, improved tables structure in the Postgre database. Made integration tests with PHPUnit as part of Laravel microservices.

Energosbyt Plus
I was doing code/architecture improvements in Laravel 7 project and also created various of new features of user interaction with the personal account, made numerous fixes in VueJs frontend app, worked with Laravel Queues and file storage in S3.
Laravel VueJS postgresql S3 phpunit mysql rabbitmq redis yii2 Python Flask OrcaleDb RHEL
Sep 2019 - Feb 2020 (5 months)
PHP Developer
I made variety of changes to the architecture of the online store on the OpenCart engine, added new modules for version 1.5, worked on security improvements
Opencart php postgresql

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