Dmitry Makarevich
Minsk, Belarus

Have been developing mobile apps for iOS platform in Swift approximately 3 years. Strong foundational knowledge in reactive programming. Love to learn and dig into new technologies, and can pick them up quickly. Self-motivated, taking the initiative to work, demonstrating lateral thinking and being detail-oriented.

CodersRank Score

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Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

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Top 5%
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
iTechArt Group
Nov 2020 - Oct 2022 (1 year 11 months)
Minsk, Republic of Belarus
iOS Software Engineer
*Real Estate / Lifestyle / Services & Communication*
2 apps with different stack
First app stack:
- RxSwift, Realm, UIKit, Moya/Alamofire, Firebase Crashlytics, SwiftLint, SwiftGen
- refactoring general sync into separate modules;
- created a file manager to preview, download, share and open files from the server;
- integrate SwiftLint into project.
Second app stack:
- Combine, RxSwift, UIKit, CoreData, Moya/Alamofire, Firebase Crashlytics, SwiftLint, SwiftGen
- fixing memory leaks;
- linking Combine and RxSwift;
- integrate SwiftLint into project;
- worked on VoiceOver issues;
- refactoring architecture of some modules.

Photo Map App
Stack: MVVM+C, Combine, UIKit, MapKit, CoreLocation, SwiftGen, SwiftLint, XCTest
- Implemented Sign-in / Sign-up using Firebase Authentication;
- Integrate Combine with UIKit elements;
- worked with TravisCI & Fastlane to configure CI/CD processes;
- wrote unit/integration tests to cover main parts of the project;
- implemented a map screen using MapKit with custom markers with photos and clusters.
RxSwift Combine swift
Oct 2019 - Oct 2022 (3 years)
iOS Software Engineer
Health and Fitness / Meditations
Stack: Swift, UIKit, AutoLayout, Firebase, AVFoundation, Kingfisher
- leading 2 iOS Devs;
- integrate Apple / Facebook / Google auth via Firebase;
- add in-app purchases;
- configuring and uploading app to AppStoreConnect;
- fixing memory leaks;
- add async image loading.

Library App
Stack: MVVM+R, RxSwift, RxDataSource, Realm, XCTest, SwiftLint, Fastlane
- worked with GitHub Actions to configure CI/CD processes;
- participated in project team meetings and communicated with Lead, QA, Designer & PM;
- wrote unit tests to cover main parts of the project;
- deep linking support (via QRCode, link).
swift ios app development cocoapods
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Francisk Skoryna Homiel State Univercity
Bachelor, IT engineer
Sep 2014 - Jun 2018

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