Sao Paulo, Brazil

Business Intelligence Consultant + 9 years of experience, design, programming and development. Experience with design of Data Warehouse and design of business intelligence star schema Experience of database administrator (SQL Server Microsoft) - jobs, performance queries and table and monitoring virtual machine procedures (cloud MS-azure) Experience of data scientist with natural language procedure (NLP), distributed system of spark and hadoop for big data procedure. Experience of data visualization power bi microsoft and key performance indicators. Experience in leading team projects. Experience on text-processing PySpark jobs for multiple client pipelines on a lakehouse architecture Experience of implementation a Highly Avaliable infrastructure to Speech-to-Text and text-processing project using GCP (Dataproc, R-MIG, Computer Engine, Firebase, Cloud Function, Build and Run). Support and development of machine learning models for multiple text-processing pipelines for different client on a lakehouse architecture.

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Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebook
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
3 years 6 months
Data Scientist
Aug 2019 - Dec 2021 (2 years 4 months)
Data mining (text mining) with natural language procedure (NPL)
Creation of text-processing PySpark jobs for multiple client pipelines on lakehouse architecture
Design and implementation of a Highly Avaliable infrastructure of a Speech-to-Text and text-processing project using GCP (Dataproc, R-MIG, Computer Engine, Firebase, Cloud Function, Build and Run)
Support and development of machine learning models for multiple text-processing pipelines for different client on a lakehouse architecture
Machine learning google cloud data science bigdata pyspark nlp apache spark hadoop hive machine learning data science jupyter notebook numpy sklearn tensorflow scikit learn data visualization matplotlib data analysis pandas spark anaconda deep learning keras scipy data analytics r ubuntu docker docker compose github airflow firebase firestore computer engineer stt dataproc sonarqube
Business Intelligence Coordinator
Jun 2018 - Aug 2019 (1 year 2 months)
Design of data warehouse MS-Sql Server, Build Model of Star Schema from Business Intelligence (table fat and table dimensions).
Design of ETL (MS-SSIS Integration Service) for data flow.
Database Administration MS Windows Server 2016 (cloud azure), Monitoring virtual machine performance, monitoring hardware (CPU,Memory, HD (space and process)) with zabbix, queries performance, design of backup database. build Sql Server Agent from SSIS and T-SQL.
Design the best practices of data management (normalize date (string, int, date, etc), tables nomenclatures, views, procedures, triggers, functions)

database MSSQL asp.net c# asp.net visual studio entity framework winforms mssql sql server visual studio code ubuntu windows bi nosql nodeJS bootstrap AngularJS canvasjs
Atento Brasil
Jun 2014 - Jun 2018 (4 years)
São Paulo, Brazil
Senior Business Intelligence Analyst
Business Intelligence Senior Analyst with 4 years experience in Views e Procedures design and Triggers in SQL SERVER for dashboards.
Design of ETL procedure in the Integration Services SSIS to load data bases and design of Batch .bat to optimize unavailable resources in ETL (SSIS).
Generation of Excel reports and VBA language.
Design and programming dashboards using (ASP.NET) to better assist the main KPI presentation and CPG reports system.
Design of CRM to update jobs.
KPI design with Power BI and Qlik Sense to keep up with the system performance.

c# asp.net visual studio etl data engineer analysis automation vbscript visual basic t-sql excel data analytics powerbi sql server winforms data visualization visual studio entity ms sql dotnet AngularJS bootstrap canvasjs javascript plsql
Oct 2011 - May 2014 (2 years 7 months)
São Paulo, Brazil
Management Information-Analystin
Business Intelligence Assistent - Creation of multiples reports and solutions of business
Scripting Programming (VBS) for multiples tasks and automation's process.
Creating KPI's from data Visualization Excel.
Analyzes of process, studing comportamental profile of employees
vbscript visual basic data visualization excel data analysis

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