Roberto Nogueira
Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

Telecom/Software Engineer with 10+ years’ experience along Development/Operation areas which encompasses Test Technology, R&D, Customer Support, Deployment and Integration areas. Also with +3 years as Ericsson Certified, having consulting and business skills. Large experience in OSS/BSS Ericsson products, Ruby on Rails, Real-Time and Multi-Paradigms Software Development. Experience of working across different organizations in a multi-cultural & international environment(+2 years abroad). Experience in working managing and sharing knowledge via knowledge bases. Open-minded, motivated to lead initiatives, encouraging innovation, creativity and productivity. Fluent Spoken English. Availability for travels and work in shifts. SPECIALTIES: Software Development, Solution Integration, Project Management and Systems Support. SKILLS: • Operating systems: Linux/Unix, OSX, Sun OS(SPARC, x86), Cygwin, Windows, AXE* and CPP*. • Telecom Products: MSS*, BSS(WCDMA/GSM)*, OSS-RC* and APG*. • Main Languages: Plex*, Hlplex*, Python, Java, Javascript, Erlang/OTP, Elixir and Ruby. • Scripting: Bash, VB/Excel and MOshell*. • Frameworks: Bootstrap, Ajax, JQuery and Ruby on Rails. • Tools: Postman, Brakeman, Vim, Vscode, Jetbrains IDEs, Confluence and Jira. • Test: PyTest, JUnit, Jasmine, EUnit, ExUnit, RSpec, Minitest(parallel testing) and SimpleCov. • DevOps: CAMs Model, Git, Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Puppet, Docker and Kubernetes. • Providers/Cloud: VirtualBox, Parallels, WSL2/G, AWS, Engine Yard, Heroku, IBM and StarlingX. • Data Science: R, RStudio, Web/BigData Analytics and Cognitive Services. • Databases: Sybase, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle/PL/SQL, Mongodb, Redis and Neo4j. • Methods: Scrum, Kanban, XP, CMM, SDMM* and Props*. PPP(Patterns, Principles and Best Practices). • Architectures: REST, SOA and Component Based Rails(CBRA). * Means proprietary asset.

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Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

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Highest experience points: 0 points,

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