MohammadEhsan Jahanara
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I'm Ehsan, a web developer with four years of experience. Who loves solving problems, and working with a team to make awesome websites and web apps. I also know how to use Docker, Git, and Linux to make things work smoothly. Solving problems and paying attention to details is one of my attributes. I believe in good communication and love to share what I know and learning from others. Web development is always changing, so I'm committed to staying up-to-date and learning new things to keep growing.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 6%
Top 100
Top 100
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Shakewell Agency
Sep 2022 - Apr 2023 (7 months)
Laravel Developer
• Applied SOLID principles and followed the MVC architecture to design and develop scalable, maintainable, and high-quality code.
• Implemented RESTful APIs and integrated with various third-party services to enhance the functionality of web applications.
• Designed and developed Admin Panel with Nova
• Built REST API with Laravel
• Utilized AWS S3 for storage
• Employed Laravel Scout, Telescope, and Vapor
• Implemented Observer Pattern and Repository Pattern
• Performed feature tests and unit tests with PHPUnit
Laravel php database aws s3 design patterns phpunit nova linux docker ci/cd docker compose
QOO Studio
Aug 2022 - Jun 2023 (10 months)
Laravel Developer
• Developed Laravel packages and versioned them on GitHub to accelerate project development. Implemented the Facade design pattern for streamlined code organization and improved maintainability.
• Developed and maintained several web applications using Laravel, including a start-up platform to connect contractors to civil engineers, and the business website of a company.
• Designed BackOffice with Nova
• Built REST API with Laravel
• Utilized Passport authentication
• Utilized Redis for notifications
• Dockerized projects with Dockerfile (Laravel - Nginx - Mysql - Redis - Phpmyadmin)
• Conducted CI/CD with Github Actions
Laravel MySQL docker redis nginx ci/cd git nova php html VueJS javascript
Apr 2020 - Dec 2021 (1 year 8 months)
Tehran, Iran · Remote
• Designed and developed themes, plugins, and websites using Elementor and WP Bakery - Wordpress
• Developed leased line project with Yii2
• Designed and developed cartable, single pages, and portal with Sharepoint JSOM (JS Object Model)
• Built and installed Gitlab-CE on Ubuntu with docker runner (CI/CD)
• Initiated, diagnosed project with Docker
• Designed tracking ship and cargo using FuelPHP
• Developed logistics website using Wordpress
wordpress git html css javascript jquery

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
University of Science and Culture
Bachelor of Technology - BTech, Computer Software Engineering
Jan 2020 - Dec 2023
• I utilized Three.js to create an engaging car game. I implemented various features including gravity, shaders, shadows, and color measurements to enhance the user experience.
• Developed an AI project utilizing Python and Keras to effectively colorize grayscale photos with exceptional accuracy.
Shamsipour Technical and Vocational College
Associate's degree, Computer Software Engineering
Jan 2017 - Dec 2019
• Developed a Snake and Ladder game as a final project for a Software Engineering course using C#. Implemented game logic, user interface, and user input handling to create an interactive and engaging game experience
• For my graduation project, I developed a Library Website using Codeigniter 2 to efficiently manage books.

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