Andrés Chiplujin
Frontend Developer at Doctor At Work
Valencia, Spain

Experienced and results-driven Frontend Developer with 5 years of expertise in JavaScript, TypeScript, and advanced libraries like React, NextJS, and ThreeJS. Known for delivering interactive and user-focused solutions, I have a strong track record of enhancing user engagement and optimizing frontend performance. I am passionate about leveraging the latest technologies to create dynamic digital experiences.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Mid Developer
Associate Developer
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Doctor At Work
4 years 6 months
Moscow Current workspace
Currently Andrés Chiplujin supports the Doctor At Work

Andrés Chiplujin's scores will be added to this company.

Frontend Developer
Sep 2021 - Present (3 years 6 months)
Developing and maintaining of microsites, banners, email newsletters, as well as other visual materials as part of advertising campaigns using Figma or Adobe Photoshop design layouts.
Adaptation of the code of third-party client projects, revision and publication on the company's platforms.
Creation of mini-games, chat bots, animated and interactive elements in JavaScript, creation of complex interactive detailings.
Formation and structuring of development standards to automate routine tasks: creating templates, implementing plugins, etc.
Frontend Developer
Sep 2020 - Sep 2024 (4 years)
• Developed and maintained over 150 commercial websites, banners and emails with responsive design and cross-browser compatibility, as well as other visual materials as a part of clients' advertising campaigns.
• Created dozens of mini-games, chat bots, quizzes and interactive educational sites with complex animated and interactive elements and detailings using JavaScript, TypeScript and frontend technologies like React, Next, Astro, Qwik, ThreeJS, etc.
• Adapted the code of third-party client projects made in React framework, revised for publication on own or the company's platforms.
• Collaborated with cross-functional teams including designers, project managers, and other developers to create high-quality products.
• Formed and structured development standards to automate routine tasks, carried out systematic code reviews, created needed templates, developed and implemented various plugins, etc.
• By modernizing layout templates for pharmaceutical advertising projects, I increased my team’s productivity by 25%, enabling faster and more impactful project delivery.
• Additionally, I implemented a systematic code review process that reduced errors and shortened project timelines by 20%, resulting in higher profitability for the organization.
Jan 2019 - Sep 2020 (1 year 8 months)
Frontend Developer
Developing and maintaining websites using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, SASS and other related technologies.
Implementing responsive design and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.
javascript html5 scss css jquery responsive design figma webpack git google analytics
Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
My Portfolio website with 3D graphics
Mar 2023 - Mar 2023
My Portfolio - very impressive website with 3D graphics and animations (React, ThreeJS, TailwindCSS)
javascript three.js ReactJS tailwindcss scss vite responsive design git emailjs framer-motion autoprefixer
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Ivanovo State Power University
Engineer's degree, Electrical and Power Engineering
Sep 2001 - Jun 2006
International English Test
C1 Advanced English Level
Oct 2023
International English Test
B2 Nivel de Español Intermedio Alto
Jul 2024

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