Artem Fomchenkov
Smolensk, Russia

Flutter Developer.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 157 events
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Jun 2021 - Aug 2022 (1 year 2 months)
Flutter Developer
Working with a E-Commerce/Ridesharing apps for company clients.

Main challenges:
* choose apps architecture;
* developed new features and supported existed;
* developed logic handling between Flutter and native sides (notifications and background services, analytics);
* separated app for modules that allows to integrate multiple stores support (modules for Google Play, Huawei AppGallery);
* consulted customers about UI/UX;
* calculated estimates of work for upcoming projects.

Used technologies:
* Mobile apps: Flutter, Dart, Java, Kotlin, Groovy, Swift;
* Cross-platform apps: Dart, Flutter;
* CI/CD: GitLab (self-hosted).
dart flutter app store Google Play gitlab Mindbox ios android firebase AppsFlyer AppMetrica java kotlin swift
Whisper Arts
3 years 7 months
Smolensk, Russia
Flutter Developer
Jun 2020 - Jun 2021 (1 year)
Worked on adaptation of company's flagship app for Flutter (re-creating app from native to cross-platform) and helped build apps for customers (architecture consulting, Code Reviews).

Main challenges:
* transfered logic from native app to cross-platform app;
* developed logic handling between Flutter and native sides (notifications and background services);
* created tools for working with Developer Experience (like project structure/bugs in configurations checker);
* mentored trainee and Junior developers (One-to-one talks, experience sharing).

Used technologies:
* Mobile apps: Flutter, Dart, Java, Kotlin, Groovy;
* Cross-platform apps: Dart, Flutter;
* Scripts: Dart, Ruby;
* CI/CD: Jenkins (self-hosted).
dart flutter sql Google Play firebase ios android ruby Fastlane groovy jenkins
Android Developer
Feb 2018 - Jun 2021 (3 years 4 months)
Worked with a wide range of apps from company's apps (mostly for children/families) to solutions for customers (E-Commerce).

Main challenges:
* created client-server solution for synchronizing data between multiple devices and users of one app;
* developed data visualization layer for showing large amount of user activities on charts and diagrams;
* developed configurable main page of few company's apps (with widgets support);
* created custom fast Calendar visualization for showing events for day/week/month (custom Android views);
* configured Jenkins integration with Gitea.

Used technologies:
* Mobile apps: Java, Kotlin, Groovy;
* Client-server projects: JavaScript, NodeJS, Parse;
* Scripts: Ruby;
* CI/CD: Jenkins (self-hosted).
java kotlin android Gitea Proxmox nosql Synchronization sql firebase javascript docker Fastlane groovy jenkins
Trainee Android Developer
Nov 2017 - Feb 2018 (3 months)
Fixed bugs and added small features to the company's apps.
java android
Apache Groovy
Feb 2020

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