Denys G. santos
Montreal, Canada

Senior IT professional, more than 10 years, focused on information, integration, and content management technologies with several successful projects implemented in different markets. I've been working with product and software development and system architecture.

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Associate Developer
Associate Developer
Associate Developer
Highest experience points: 0 points,

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Trademaster Serviços e Participações SA
Feb 2020 - Jan 2021 (11 months)
São Paulo Area, Brazil
System Architect
Creation and maintenance of a computational platform to support the business, enabling continuous and sustainable growth. For platform creation we are focused on use of the most robust emerging technologies that provide development based on events with high volume, availability and performance.

In this role there is a strong presence of messaging platform (RabbitMQ, Kafka and Nats), Google Cloud, programming languages (C#, Node, Python, Go and Java), Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins and Git.

There is also the application of process mapping techniques to design the processes of existing software in BPMN notation, always aiming to optimize these processes and software.
node go rabbitmq microservices postgresql jenkins kubernetes gcp nginx kong
Engineering do Brasil
Sep 2017 - Feb 2020 (2 years 5 months)
São Paulo Area, Brazil
Senior Application Architect and Coordinator
Coordination and leadership, guiding collaborators to create architecture definitions and the development of more precise software development. Beyond to be a guide leader also control of regional software factory with more than 50 people.

As technical leader has guide people to work with Microservices, Orchestration, Integration, APIs, Google Cloud, Liferay, Alfresco, JBPM, Ephesoft, Flowable, Docker, Spring Boot, Python, Java, Kong, Kubernetes, Elasticsearch, Kibana RabbitMQ, Go and .Net Core.e
java kong lua nginx c++ python oracle
ENGdB - Engineering do Brasil S.A.
Mar 2016 - Aug 2017 (1 year 5 months)
São Paulo Area, Brazil
Software Development Team Leader
Coordination of software factory for, in the majority, telecommunications projects. With acting in three big telecommunication companies, I have guided the team to develop a microservice architecture to provide the integration and orchestration of prepaid and postpaid environment as well the order management environment.

I also managed the creation of a system to control the legal request for breakages of telephone and data confidentiality to the telecommunication industry. In this role, we had created a microservices based architecture using Java, Spring Boot, Kong and angular 7.

In the middle of the 2018 year, after months of hard work we had certificate as a CMMI level 3, to which I had participate of the audit board as internal auditor.
java xml c++ Angular javascript python bash

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