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I am a passionate developer dedicated to transforming ideas into good solutions that improve people's lives. Since I started my iOS Developer career, I have been studying to improve my knowledge about the iOS ecosystem to become a good developer. To gain this knowledge I completed Udacity's iOS Developer Nanodegree which gave me awesome knowledge about the iOS ecosystem. Nowadays I finished Udemy's Swift - TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns, SOLID, MVP which gave me a deep knowledge about TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns, SOLID principles, and MVP. I really love to listen to feedback, because I believe that I can learn and improve myself every day. Programming languages: Swift, Objective-C, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, C#, PHP, Python. IDEs: XCODE, Eclipse, Android Studio, Photoshop, AppCode. Version Control: GitHub, BitBucket. Databases: MySQL, CoreData, Firebase, Realm. OS: Mac OS, iOS, Android, Linux, Windows. Frameworks: Swinject, Alamofire, Cocoa Pods, RxSwift, Combine, SwiftUI, SPM, XCTest, Moya, Firebase, Interface builder (Storyboard). CI/CD: Bitrise, AppCenter, Fabric, Fastlane. Tests: XCTest - UI and Unit Tests, Quick, Nimble. Architectures: MVVM, MVC, VIP, Clean Architecture.
This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better
Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.
0 activities in the last year