Apr 2019 - Jul 2019
Attendance tracking and automation for university lectures with a Web App for instructors and a mobile app for students, which focuses on the student scanning a QR-code to confirm his attendance and features full management and automation of all things related to attendance tracking and class management.
- Excel sheet processing for account creation and excel generation for attendance data
- Automated emails for both account creations that generate random password and tokens, and for reminders of any missed classes and sessions
- Data visualization and statistics for every lecture given regarding attendance among other data points
- Secret tokens to ensure the validity of every QR-code scanned is valid, as well as expiration dates for said QR-code
- QR-code generation on both the web and mobile
- All security features such as protection against DOD attacks and database injections, hashing of all passwords and critical data, a secure non-bypassable set of roles and permissions
- IOS & Android integration
Web Demo: https://capstone-classify.herokuapp.com/
Logins : *Username* : instructor || *Password*: capstone