Aug 2015 - Jan 2020
As a Bank central Identity Access Governance Recertification statement, The application is responsible for processing large dataset (Banks Users access rights on all Business Units level applications (3200 apps data ×2 files ) ) on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, halfyearly basis. the workflow does following activities fetching tar file from dataware house distributed system, stage, clean and store valid data for the 3rd party Recertificationtool. RSA IGL (3rd party tool) data collectors collects preprocessed data for the Recertification purpose and then the reviews are generated by the Business team based on the review cycles for each application and its users access rights will be assigned to the respective functional, legal and technical reviewers to take maintain or revoke decisions on the access rights for that user/account . Post Recertification, again central preprocessing system collects revocation data from 3rd party tool and send it to respective applications to fulfill the access revocation needs. additional components are Functional Taxonomy, Segregation of Duties, and scorecard generation and projected to the Business team.