John Cyrill Corsanes
Manila, Philippines

Started surfing on the internet back in 2008 using a Nokia Phone, then began my interests in Computers & Web Development, due to Friendster's golden age. Embarked on a corporate journey in 2016. Currently studying software development and exploring IT management, and multimedia. Interested in multimedia, finance & cryptocurrency.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Top 50
Top 100
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Gorated Innovation Labs
3 years 2 months
National Capital Region, Philippines
Android Developer
Jan 2020 - Mar 2021 (1 year 2 months)
Maintained McDelivery PH (2018 version) for Android until 2021
Wordpress Developer
Apr 2019 - Dec 2019 (8 months)
Handled theme development on their WordPress-based sites with PHP7, NodeJS, SASS & HTML5
NodeJS PHP wordpress
Software Developer
Jan 2019 - Mar 2022 (3 years 2 months)
- Works for ChatGenie.ph which is a subsidiary of Gorated Innovation Labs, Inc.
- Previously Maintains the EDM feature on UNIQLO Philippines Newsletter
- Implemented the Semantic Versioning on Ruby Engines & WordPress Themes for much better documentation & maintaining the projects
Ruby wordpress ruby on rails
Jan 2019 - Mar 2022 (3 years 2 months)
Software Developer (Integrations)
- Lead Developer for GCash Mini Program / GLife versions of ChatGenie Mini App
- Contributed implementations for Instagram Mini Apps
- Contributed implementations for Viber Mini Apps
- One of the developers of ChatGenie Mini App interface
- Communicate with Project Manager, QA Engineers, Senior Developers & Co-Developers thru JIRA, Slack, Evernote, etc.
- Peer Reviews using Github & Bitbucket
- Creates technical documentation on each project with the Flowchart, Markdowns, and comments on each codes being implemented
Trade Dynamics Consulting International Inc.
1 year 11 months
Manila, Philippines
Software Developer
Jun 2018 - Jan 2019 (7 months)
- Worked on the legacy versions of ENGAGIA EMS & Android App
- Implemented the ES5 JavaScript standard
- Handled the query optimizations for Analytics
- Implemented front & back end performance optimizations for Legacy EMS
- Handled Security Audits on Legacy EMS
- Updates the version updater for Legacy ENGAGIA App
- Implemented & upgraded the reports downloader system with JavaScript for generating large reports/data into multiple formats such CSV, PDF, XLSL, etc.
- Communicates to the Project Manager & Co-Developers with Asana & Github
- Worked with lead developers for coding standards
- One of the contributors of transitioning deployment standards from FTP-based into Git-based
- Handles both production & staging servers through Amazon Web Services
Android JavaScript php
Software Developer
Feb 2017 - Jun 2018 (1 year 4 months)

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