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James has many years of experience as a Software Engineer, Business Analyst, Project Manager and all round good egg. After qualifying from Staffs Uni with a 1st in being awesome James left the relative safety of the Grim North to further his career in the hustle and bustle of the South. After several promotions, horrendous projects & ridiculous deadlines James met the love of his life and realised a bright and shiny future awaited him in London where his new found lady lived. James spent a few years working as a Project Manager and then Team Leader for various media companies before the economic downturn took its toll and the inevitable happened, he was made redundant. But all things happen for a reason, and just when things looked at their bleakest James secured a position at a funky Brighton agency and in a mere 3 years staked his place to rule over the other geeks with an iron fist wrapped inside a velvet glove. Following this James joined Amido for a spot of technical consultancy, this, in turn, facilitated a move to 15gifts as Head of Ops and Development, next as Lead Engineer at another fast-paced startup, Airfinity, James honed his technical & leadership skills further before taking on his current role as Tech Director for 60 Decibels. Some of the amazing praise attributed to James' excellent mentorship includes such superlatives as "yeah not bad I s'pose" and "doesn't make the tea often enough", which just goes to show how busy and ace James really is. Other notable achievements of James' career include organising numerous trips to the local to discuss things over a pint or two and being able to do 53 press ups in one go. Looking towards the future, if the whole Software Engineering thing doesn't pan out James is thinking of taking up Creative Writing, or at the very least CV Fluffing. Outside of work James enjoys eating, drinking and being merry, exercising regularly to balance things out and talking about himself in the 3rd person.
This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better
Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.
0 activities in the last year