Jose Maria Romero Cuny
CTO at Vector-IT
Cordoba, Argentina

I am a Systems Engineer specialized in Full Stack development with more than 15 years of experience working with different languages such as PHP, Angular, Ionic, Android, Delphi & C#. I have a very solid background based on years of work creating intuitive web systems. My skill set includes (but is not limited to) HTML, CSS, jQuery, Angular, and Bootstrap. I am a proactive person, with high problem-solving and teamwork skills, great capacity for learning and self-taught.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 2 events
Top 5
Top 1
Top 1
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Jun 2013 - Present (11 years 9 months)
Córdoba, Argentina Current workspace
Currently Jose Maria Romero Cuny supports the Vector-IT

Jose Maria Romero Cuny's scores will be added to this company.

Executive decisions with regards to the technological interests of the company.
I am responsible for outlining the company's technological vision, implementing technology strategies, and ensuring that the technological resources are aligned with the company's business needs.

I also perform Project Manager tasks.
Lead work teams in order to achieve the objectives of the project.
Coordinate all stakeholders of the projects.
Control the resources allocated to each project in order to meet the objectives set.
php javascript sql Angular delphi ionic mysql mssql bootstrap css git github apache aws
SOS Red de Asistencia
Apr 2004 - May 2013 (9 years 1 month)
Córdoba, Argentina
IT Manager
- Windows Server Administrator (Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Routing, IIS and FTP Servers).
- Linux (Fedora, Debian, White Box distribution) Server Administration (DNS, DHCP, FTP, Apache, MySql, Moodle and OTRS (Open Source Ticket Request System) Servers).
- Network Administrator. Layer 3 Switchs, Routers, VPNs.
- Security policy management.
- DBA MySQL Server
- Development of applications using Delphi, ASP.NET, C# and Visual Basic.
delphi mysql mssql c# visual basic svn networking active directory dns iis oracle plsql t-sql
Jan 2001 - Apr 2004 (3 years 3 months)
Córdoba, Argentina
Independent consultant
Analysis, design, development, implementation and test of systems.
delphi mysql pascal visual basic
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