Mihir Karandikar
Pune, India

TLDR; I write code for a living - Javascript, C#, F#. I'm experienced in React, React Native, ASP.Net Core, NodeJS, object-oriented and functional programming. I also have a SOLID 2 years of experience in leading my own team of developers. I absolutely LOVE building systems! I have been around in the IT industry for 5 years and over these years, I have accumulated GREAT experience in diverse areas. I like being where the action is and I like building REAL connections with my colleagues. Front-End I am an expert front-end engineer with a proven record of delivering complex and beautiful user interfaces. I write clean and clever Javascript and I've built many applications using React, React Native and the modern Javascript ecosystem. Back-End I also have a decent experience in back-end engineering. I understand the architecture and design principles behind the modern frameworks like ASP.Net Core or Express/Koa. I'm able to put together performant SQL queries and I'm getting better. Leadership Apart from this technical experience, I come with a SOLID experience of leading a team of 7 talented developers and quality analysts. I understand the interpersonal dynamics very well and I'm able to communicate very well with my team-mates. My team mates LOVE me and my work and I LOVE them back! I'm very much comfortable with making important decisions, mentoring, 1:1 meetings, code reviews, training sessions and onboarding of new developers. I live by one rule - Adapt, improvise, overcome and most importantly, ENJOY :)

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 4%
Top 5
Top 100
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Aera Technology
Nov 2020 - Dec 2020 (1 month)
Pune, India
Frontend Engineer
At Aera, we deliver the cognitive technology that enables the Self-Driving Enterprise™ - a Cognitive Operating System™ that connects you with your business and autonomously orchestrates your operations.
Harbinger Group
4 years 5 months
Pune, India
Associate Technical Lead
Jan 2019 - Nov 2020 (1 year 10 months)
My primary responsibility was to write excellent, clean and maintainable software. It comprises of writing C# and F# and SQL queries at the back-end and React/Javascript at the front-end. I've had great opportunities of building beautiful and complex user interfaces by translating designs and requirements into a well-written code. I also contributed to a full-featured Design System, scout for new technologies, helped build internal tool chains and utilities. I loved automating mundane jobs and I helped the team focus on solving important business problems.

I led a team of 7 front-end and back-end engineers and a quality analyst. I was in charge of running sprints, reviewing code and mentoring junior developers.

I worked closely with product owners, designers and other stakeholders. Together, we strived to deliver no less than an amazing user experience. I understood that having high flexibility and fast responses to ever changing business requirements is the key to success in this new world.

Accumulated more than 4 years of professional experience in Javascript, React.js and React Native. I developed an excellent understanding of Redux, GraphQL, Apollo Client and the modern Javascript ecosystem. Occasionally, I worked with CI/CD pipelines and Microsoft Azure Resources. I became very much familiar with Microservices and CQRS architecture along with template-based database.

We were a complete Microsoft shop - We used Azure DevOps for project management and deployment. We had multiple cloud environments, all services running on Docker and orchestrated by Kubernetes.
Senior Software Engineer
Oct 2017 - Dec 2018 (1 year 2 months)
Software Engineer
Jul 2016 - Jul 2017 (1 year)
Mihir worked as a front end developer to build UI of an enterprise level application in React JS. Became well versed with React, ES6, Redux, Webpack and Gulp. He contributed heavily to improve the underlying architecture. Mihir was acquainted with C#, F#, MS SQL Server, Microsoft VSTS and Microsoft Azure.

Learned to work with the on-shore team for the first time. Beating deadlines was his favorite past time. Understood how real world projects work.

Received 2 awards- "Superstar Developer 2017" and "Distinguished Contributor Dec 2016".
Trainee Software Engineer
Jan 2016 - Jun 2016 (5 months)
Worked with R&D team to build smart conference rooms with Arduino board. My responsibility was to develop React Native app for Android and iOS. Also worked on some use cases of Bluetooth Low Energy.

Learned how to work in a collaborative environment and quickly cater to changing business needs.
HCL Technologies
Jul 2017 - Sep 2017 (2 months)
Pune, India
Senior Software Engineer
Worked as a senior front end developer at Deutsche Bank. In an effort to modernize technology, DB had started creating agile teams for their new products. Mihir joined the team to help build a critical investment banking application with tight deadlines. Learned how a serious product is developed from the scratch.

Working for a bank in an agile team was a completely new experience. The project was highly process oriented yet something about it was startup-ish. Positive communication with peers, back end developers and business analysts was the key to keep things smooth.
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Maharashtra Institute of Technology
Master’s Degree, Computer Science
Dec 2013 - Dec 2015
University of Pune
Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science
Dec 2010 - Dec 2013

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