Kasun Kodagoda
Colombo, Sri Lanka

I am a full-stack developer with over 7+ years of experience, currently working as an Associate Technical Architect at 99x. I work daily with Microsoft Azure and .Net technologies to build cloud-native, distributed, resilient, and highly scalable SaaS applications. Some notable examples of my work are; 📌 Implemented standard-compliant enterprise single sign-on (SSO) capabilities used by 20% of all organizations use daily, using SAML2 protocol with ease of configuration in mind. 📌 Designed, implemented, and deployed an embedded solution for SaaS application in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance from scratch in 6 weeks. 📌 Spearheaded the DevOps transformation within the RnD team by introducing DevOps practices and educating and guiding the teams on implementing DevOps practices in the projects. 📌 Introduced automated builds & deployments, infrastructure and configuration management, static code analysis practices, and continuous feedback mechanisms that had a direct impact on the speed of value delivery to the customers. 📌 Implement DevSecOps practices within the teams by introducing automated security analysis with automated SAST and DAST using open-source and enterprise security tools. 📌 Introduced serverless microservices with Azure Functions, secure utilization of sensitive data with Key Vault, secret-less authentication with Managed Identities, centralized configuration management with App Configuration, infrastructure automation with ARM/Bicep templates, and reduced the cloud development cost by 15% over time. I love using Azure and Microsoft technologies to build cloud-native solutions. I have multiple years of hands-on experience with C#, ASP.Net Core, Entity Framework, MSSQL, JavaScript, TypeScript, Identity Server 4, Web API design, Serverless computing, Azure DevOps, App Service, Logic Apps, Functions, Storage, Virtual Machines, Azure SQL, Cosmos DB, Service Bus, Key Vault, App Configuration, Managed Identities, ARM/Bicep, Security & Performance Automation. I stay in touch with new technologies and have experience with ReactJs, Azure Kubernetes Services, Azure Container Instances, Blockchain Technology, Solidity, Smart Contract authoring and optimizations, Hardhat, Web3.js, Ethers.js, Truffle, Ganache, NFT. I get excited about opportunities where I can apply my Full-Stack Development, Azure Cloud, and DevOps experience to build great products that solve real-world problems and deliver value to the end users. If these are exciting for you, let's talk. Reach me at kvkrusl@gmail.com or message me on LinkedIn.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 142 events
Top 50
Sri Lanka
Top 50
Sri Lanka
Top 50
Sri Lanka
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

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