Moscow, Russia

Front-end, Technologies: - HTML5/CSS3/SASS etc. - JS/ES6 - ESNext - Typescript - React/Svelte - Redux/Mobx - Webpack + Babel - Node.js/Nest - Cypress/Codecept Software and Tools: - GitHub/GitBash/Git - Docker

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Trade gold
Jun 2021 - Jan 2022 (7 months)
Senior Frontend Developer
Stack: React 17, Next 10.0, Redux(-Saga), Angular 9, NgRx

1) Developed different section of website ( with React/NextJS+Angular stack:
- Pages with forms for manager(Company form, auctions form, metal creation form etc.)
- public pages for auction, metals etc
- landings
2) Worked on mobile app using Ionic with LiveUpdate with same functionality as website. Releasing the app to stores(Apple store, Google PlayMarket)
3) Worked on architecture of product:
- moved different product into single mono repository using Lerna
- created storybook project to share common components between website and mobile application
4) Optimised production bundle size from 1.2MB to 600KB
5) Worked on SEO with company analytic. Re-wrote meta tags,
6) Developed browser extension for testers for increasing their workflow by automatisation common routines such as authorisation, account creation, form filling etc.
7) Developed support services:
- service for mailing using mjml/handlebars
- service to receive screenshots from to receive information about company with certain INN
- scrapping gold and silver price history from
- scrapping gold and silver prices from local pawnshops
Angular ReactJS SEO
Level Travel
Oct 2020 - Jun 2021 (8 months)
Moscow, Russia
Frontend Developer
Stack: React(16.8.0+ Hooks), Redux (-Saga, -Reselect etc.), styled-component + Sass for global styles.
1) Developing Web Components in Storybook.
2) Moved the whole project and components library from pure Javascript to Typescript.
3) Worked on optimization. Also moved from Webpack 4.* to Webpack 5
4) Worked with SSR - launching a project on Next.js + typescript + MobX (mobx-react-lite) / using hypernova on the backend(Ruby On Rails).
5) Developed banners for Adfox(YandexAd).
6) Worked with widgets(Svelte/Storybook/Rollup) for business partners.
JavaScript Redux TypeScript
Метр квадратный
Mar 2020 - Aug 2020 (5 months)
Frontend Developer
Stack: React(with React Hooks), MobX, Typescript, Formik, Yup, SASS / PostCSS / modules, Material.ui, Storybook,
I work in the Secure Payment Service of the M2 ecosystem.
1) UI development
2) Development of an administrative panel for accountants
3) Development of a service for making secure payments
4) Working with forms for obtaining a mortgage online
5) Using testing libraries such as Jest/Enzyme, Codecept+Pupputeer(e2e + integration testing).
ReactJS TypeScript

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