Muhammad Leonard Arakasamy
Ampang, Malaysia

Hye, my name is Muhammad Leonard BIn Arakasamy. Call me Leo. Currently,im working as Web Developer Freelancer. Due to Covid 19 now,it's very hard to get role as Web Developer. So,i created my own web app using code HTML, CSS, Javascript & React for web framework for Front End and for backend is Node.js and for backend framework is Express.js. But,currently my web app running under Hosting which is Jexia for testing @ prototype. Name of the app is Pushengers Web App which is Search Restaurant App utilizing with Yelp API. Link App: https://6a9d9146-d856-4dc8-8d78-d1fceb5053e5.jexia.app/. And, anything about me and my skills can look on my own portfolio link: https://leonardoleo.github.io/. To be honest,im not really good in web development. But,with learning and practicing and motivation,thats what it helps me to become better Web Developer! But, currently,need to work two ways,i can work on my app to invest and also get a role for Web Developer at the same time!

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 3%
Top 50
Top 50
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Dec 2019 - Dec 2020 (1 year)
Web Developer
Create website and web application for customers. Currently, working on my own web application created by me. Coding: React.js framework. FIverr link: https://www.fiverr.com/alleon89?up_rollout=true. Favser link: https://www.favser.com/moleo
visual studio code github ubuntu
Optimo Co. Ltd
Dec 2019 - Mar 2020 (3 months)
Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
Independent Distributor
Sell Dominos Pizza Voucher to Customer
1 year 1 month
Selangor, Malaysia
Web Developer
Jul 2019 - Dec 2019 (5 months)
Create website for customer.
visualstudiocode github ubuntu
Web Developer
Jul 2018 - Mar 2019 (8 months)
Create website for customer.
visualstudiocode github ubuntu

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