Leonardo Alves da Costa

Developer, biomedical engineer and teacher.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Veteran Developer
Top 5
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Basis Tecnologia da Informação S.A.
Aug 2023 - Sep 2024 (1 year 1 month)
Software Architect
Development of JEE and .NET solutions and architectures at the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) and the Chamber of Deputies, both for the development of new systems and the maintenance/support of systems. Technologies used: Java 8, JPA, JSF, Angular, Vue.js, NodeJS, Tomcat and JBoss Wildfly with Oracle 18g, SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, as well as the RabbitMQ and ArtemisMQ messaging systems (part of ActiveMQ). DevOps automation with Azure DevOps, Jenkins, Kubernates and Kuberflow and building microservices with Java 11 with SpringBoot with REST publications and SOAP WebServices (integration of legacy systems).
java Angular spring boot spring boot spring data spring mvc spring data jpa spring security hibernate maven java ee tomcat gradle jsf jsp junit jdbc mockito jpa spring microservices oracle plsql kafka primefaces javaee jenkins kubernetes docker elasticsearch nginx linux docker compose rabbitmq xml unit testing scrum agile oop tdd json database design ci/cd ajax
Cast IT Group
Sep 2013 - Aug 2023 (9 years 11 months)
Software Architect
Arquiteto para os projetos de manutenção/sustentação da ANAC. Trabalho com o foco na melhoria do desempenho de aplicações, da aplicação de certificação digital e na integração de novos sistemas com sistemas legados. Utilizo linguagens de programação como ASP.NET, C# e Java. Também desenvolvo aplicações mobile para iOS e Android.
Sep 2011 - Sep 2013 (2 years)
Brasília, Brazil
Systems Architec
I was responsible for the applications of the Federal Revenue Service (RFB) and Foreign Trade systems. I was responsible for the architecture of more than 70 projects, among them, Siscomex, Simples Nacional e e-Processo. Technologies used: Java 6/7, JPA 1.2/2.0, JSF 1.2/2.0, TIBCO Suite, Tomcat, JBoss 4/5/6, JBoss ESB, WebSphere, Demoiselle Framework, Classic ASP, ASP.NET and C#.NET, Oracle 10g, SQL Server, DB2, Adabas, MySQL and PostgreSQL.

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
União Educacional de Brasília
Bachelor, Information Technology
Dec 2001 - Nov 2004
Bachelor in computer science.
Centro Universitário do Planalto Central Apparecido dos Santos
MBA, Computer Science & Engineering
Nov 2004 - Oct 2006
This degree focussed on contracts and software licenses, both proprietary and free.
Universidade de Brasília
Master, Biomedical Engineering
Jan 2013 - Dec 2015
Master’s degree focused on equipment creation that automates the process of recognition of antibiograms through image processing. The project aims at the creation of hardware and software for the solution.
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