Rodolfo Escalante Cumpa
Lima, Peru

Remote Javascript developer working on React, Node, MongoDB and SQL Server. Creating software that helps companies facilitate their business processes.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 5%
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Jul 2019 - Oct 2020 (1 year 3 months)
JavaScript developer
Development and implementation of the Backend and Frontend Architecture for the Fitosoft, Irrisoft, Lisímetro and Fenologías platforms, continuous migration and improvement on the web for more than 15 external clients of the company, these were agricultural companies that used the web platforms.

I designed a mechanism to integrate digital cartography in Google Maps and statistical graphics that allowed geolocation and obtaining summaries of crops for client companies in the Frontend part using React, some modules such as Maps with JQuery, managing to distribute the reports of each company.

I designed a Rest API on NodeJS with Express, SQL Server and MongoDB, achieving that each company with its own database servers were united in a single API, thus reducing the times in obtaining the reports.

In the infrastructure, it was possible to deploy both on physical servers using Windows, such as the AWS Lightsail cloud using Linux and AWS Amplify.
javascript Node ReactJS Google Maps docker aws
Bureau Veritas
Mar 2019 - May 2019 (2 months)
Provincia de Callao, Peru
Programmer Analyst
Analysis, development and implementation of the Report Generation, Digital Signature, Frontend Organization and PDF report generation modules with JSPDF. My main achievement was implementing the data model and exchange in JSON for SQL Server and .Net Core C #. In addition to starting projects with a version control system with Git and GitLab.
.net core javascript jquery sql server json visual studio code
Cobra Perú
Dec 2017 - Feb 2019 (1 year 2 months)
Provincia de Lima, Peru
Programmer Analyst
Development and improvement of the company's business processes using real-time technologies for the logistics part and management reports of the regions of Peru and Spain.

My main achievement was to propose together with a coworker a new model that helps to control the assets of the company. This reduced the progressive costs of the company, there was more control over the projections and the processes were automated in a faster way.

I also performed process automation using Selenium, this managed to reduce costs and manual errors. Previously it took half an hour to carry out processes on an external website, now only 3 minutes thanks to the automation that I carried out.

I was part of the team that managed to migrate the web platform and SQL databases to noSQL with NodeJS Socket Cluster and MongoDB, as well as integrating parallelism with SQL Server.
mongodb sql server nodeJS c#
Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Oct 2019 - Present
I designed a mechanism to integrate digital cartography in Google Maps and statistical graphics that allowed geolocation and obtaining summaries of crops for client companies in the Frontend part using React, some modules such as Maps with JQuery, managing to distribute the reports of each company.

I designed a Rest API on NodeJS with Express, SQL Server and MongoDB, achieving that each company with its own database servers were united in a single API, thus reducing the times in obtaining the reports.
javascript nodeJS sql server Highcharts Google Maps API Reat
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
I.E.S.T.P Carlos Cueto Fernandini
Computer and informatics professional, Computing and Information
Dec 2012 - Dec 2015
Graduated from the computing and informatics career, specialist in software development for the web.

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