László Hegedűs
Software Entrepenour at Cherubits Self-employed
Kiskunfelegyhaza, Hungary

I started at SC with frontends for embedded measurements systems. In the daily work, real-time visualization was a challenge, but we reached HD quality. I worked as a full-stack developer for years in CIS, where we developed enterprise level information systems. CIS is a supplier of some big company, so I could improved myself in many ways of teamwork collaboration (SCRUM, kanban, etc.), alongside for the business customers my responsibility was to develop proof of concepts of my own, later with my own team. In some university project I learned from large-scale computing systems, and data analytics. This experience is exploited in GE Lighting's Innovation team, where architect and develop IoT lighting systems. The first part was to architect and standardize a solution, after that connect with the hardware and evaluate it. There I learned a lot from test automation. In the GE I need to be a part of the embedded software development, so I'm familiar with SBC and microcontrollers. In the end of 2015 I promoted myself to a contractor, and started to searching for project based jobs. I wanna build up a venture based on proficiency and efficiency to make a better future. So I had create my processes, and environmental background. My group automated our processes to could work in extreme uncertain conditions. To build up this organization we used lean-startup management strategy. In 2016 I started a CMS system development for MLM, and started to research progressive web application based mobile clients, because that time I hadn't got the resources to maintain mobile clients to every platform. After the CMS system my group started to develop a data warehouse with BI for physical measurements and analytics. In 2017 I'm worked for JT as a devops engineer and senior java developer, where I could exploit my experiences with large-scale distributed systems. After JT I founded my private company, where I mastered the art of producing high-quality code with optimized engineering solutions, and besides development, I'm working as a DevOps consultant or Tech Lead, but once upon a time I was an architect at LHS. Nowadays I'm a professional freelancer for hire. PS.: If You not familiar with the terms process-oriented, then I'm NOT your tech-lead. And yes, I'm working from remote, on-site jobs, business traveling or relocation comes with the extra fee, based on the observation: most of the cases when the customer insist on-site working is based on lack of trust or the fact about the company, but if no one is willing to innovate then we never reach CI/CD.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 2 events
Top 50
Top 100
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Align Technology
Aug 2022 - Mar 2024 (1 year 7 months)
Individual Contributor
As an individual contributor, my responsibilities include managing all aspects of the maintained
applications and microservices, coordinating and applying integrations with other corporal systems.
Domain is emerging machine learning supported services to customer platforms.
Later on I participated in INIT Connect for SAP ODP source for inner governance system.
python3 nodeJS ReactJS azure devops aws gcp kubernetes ruby on rails NestJS Pytorch Bamboo java ee rabbitmq docker Fastapi Pydantic Starlette Numpy Scipy Pandas Uvicorn Gunicorn twilio Google DialogFlow elk elasticsearch nextjs tailwindcss Helm terraform kafka Confluent platform Kafka INIT docker compose jira ci/cd tensorflow
Mar 2022 - Aug 2022 (5 months)
Budapest, Hungary
Full Stack Engineer
As a part of SCRUM team, I am responsible to design develop and test a microservice arhitecture based PSD payment platform.

Technologies: Java EE, Spring, PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, Gitlab CI, Helm charts, Zipkin, Liquibase, Redis, Redis Stream, Google Cloud Platform, Docker
Jan 2022 - Jun 2023 (1 year 5 months)
Budapest, Hungary
DevOps Engineer
As an infrastructure and devops engineer, I have to build up a CI/CD pipeline and a k8 cluster on Azure, to get releases by sprint-by-sprint for development teams and create an integration environment for an e-commerce system and it's components.

Technologies: Azure DevOps, Argo CD, Argo Workflows, Kubernetes, Azure k8, Java EE, Solr, Spring, Spring Boot, MySQL, OpenAPI, Zookeeper, Redis, Git, Adobe Cloud Manager, Adobe Experience, Gatling, Selenium, Sling, OSGi, VueJS, Axios,

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc), Computer Software Engineering
Jan 2006 - Jan 2017
Project lab with automated unit testing frameworks.
Project lab with Druid large-scale computing system.
Computer graphics and image processing
SZTE Ságvári Endre High School
Graduation, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Jan 2002 - Jan 2006
I specialized to physics and mathemathics.

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