Lucas França
Lisbon, Portugal

I'm a Senior Software Developer, focused on Software Architecture, Back-end Development and DevOps. I have helped companies of different industries to create and improve their products, delivering important features (sometimes in an unbelievable time) helping them to be competitive. I really love to solve problems, using technology or not. I’m able to leverage and lead others to release software with excellence.

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Highest experience points: 0 points,

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List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Apr 2022 - Sep 2024 (2 years 5 months)
Lisbon, Portugal
Senior Software Developer
I have been working as a Back-end Software Developer at DGAE (Direção-Geral da Administração Escolar) rewriting their system with Python (FastAPI, SqlAlchemy, Pydantic), PostgreSQL, Redis, Docker, GitLab and some tools that help ensure quality and reliability. I have been writing Unit and Integration Tests with Pytest, also contributing to the documentation and structure of the project.
In this project I contributed to implementing the Clean Architecture which resulted in more code quality, low coupling, allowing to change Frameworks/Vendors with low cost and less effort avoiding damages in the Business Logic.

I worked as a Back-end Software Developer at Emb3rs Project (This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement, the principal aim was reuse Heat and Cold reducing CO₂ emission) with Python (gRPC IO, Pydantic, SqlAlchemy), PostgreSQL, Redis, Docker, Github Actions and some tools for server management. I wrote Unit and Integration Tests using Pytest, restructured the Deployment Process and improved the codebase.
I made great contributions, delivering an implementation on a short deadline that ensured the project extension, creating and finding solutions for complex problems. In addition, I presented an implementation at the last General Assembly that took place in Vienna, Austria. This project was
delivered at the end of May and now is running in production.

I have been actively participating in architectural solutions seeking innovation and quality for both projects.
python clean architecture fastapi sqlalchemy pydantic postgresql redis docker gitlab opentelemetry pytest shell docker compose rest api grpc github git unit testing tdd oop agile sql api design patterns linux nginx nosql scrum jira ci/cd devops
Serasa Experian
1 year 1 month
Technical Leader
Jan 2022 - May 2022 (4 months)
I worked at iPaaS Team (Integration Platform as a Service, is a product that the principal aim is provide an API to the partners integrate with Limpa Nome Online) as a Technical Lead managing, leading and supporting a team with 3 developers, and as a Back-end Software Developer developing, monitoring and maintaining the iPaaS services cluster in a fast-paced and high scalability environment driven by microservices with Go/Golang (Testify, AWS SDK, Context, Go Template, Messaging), Python (FastAPI, SqlAlchemy, Pydantic), Amazon Web Services (RDS Aurora, SQS, SNS, KMS, EKS, ElastiCache, Kinesis Stream), PostgreSQL, Redis and ElasticSearch. I wrote Unit Tests using Testify for Go, and for Python I used UnitTest and Pytest. I used AWS SQS and SNS for messaging. I monitored the services using Kibana, Grafana, Dynatrace, Splunk and AWS Kinesis in an environment driven by Events.
In this project I contributed by implementing the first service using Clean Architecture, designing a future implementation that would support our partners, documenting and securing the public API and helping to design the future of the product . I made a great contribution leading, supporting and monitoring +30 new integrations from our partners in 3 months that helped to increase the product revenue and attract more visibility inside the company.
python aws fastapi fastapi flask sqlalchemy celery redis amazon s3 elasticsearch docker compose docker pydantic postgresql aws sqs aws sns aws kms elasticache aws kinesis pytest unit testing kibana grafana dynatrace splunk clean architecture oop messaging devops sql elk nosql kubernetes jenkins api soap go
Senior Software Developer
Apr 2021 - May 2022 (1 year 1 month)
I worked as a Back-end Software Developer at LNO Integrations Team (Limpa Nome Online, is a product created to help people pay off their overdue debts) developing, monitoring and maintaining REST and SOAP integrations, in a fast-paced and high scalability environment driven by microservices with Python (FastAPI, SqlAlchemy, Pydantic), Go/Golang (Gin Gonic, Gorm, AWS SDK, Testify), Amazon Web Services (RDS Aurora, SQS, SNS, S3 Bucket, KMS, EKS, ElastiCache, Kinesis Stream), PostgreSQL, Redis and ElasticSearch. I wrote Unit Tests using UnitTest and Pytest for Python and Testify for Go. I used Celery, AWS SQS and SNS for messaging. I monitored the services using Kibana, Grafana, Dynatrace, Splunk and AWS Kinesis in an environment driven by Events.
In this project I contributed by improving integrations, adding Unit Tests, solving issues of infrastructure tools and helping my co-workers with their challenges. I made a great contribution developing an integration of 2 months in 2 weeks, that I created a good relationship with our partner who gave good feedback, and helped the company to earn +1 Million BRL in less than a month with the integration that I developed. This great contribution and my good performance resulted in a salary increase with just 6 months as an employee.

Also, I worked as Back-end Software Developer Cross Teams, contributing with development and maintenance of microservices owned by Platform, Payments and LNO Teams and other microservices owned by iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) Team, using the same technologies mentioned above.

I contributed Documenting and Versioning APIs and Packages.

I had the pleasure of participating in the Feirão Limpa Nome (An event with a lot of discounts to help people pay off their debts) in 2021 in Fortaleza, Ceará. I served people personally helping millions of Brazilians pay off their overdue debts.
python aws fastapi docker pytest postgresql pydantic elk unit testing sql nosql redis celery sqlalchemy flask agile tdd jira scrum oop linux shell devops monitoring splunk dynatrace kibana grafana elasticsearch aws aws sns aws sqs amazon s3 kubernetes jenkins api rest api soap go
Mar 2020 - Apr 2021 (1 year 1 month)
Sao José dos Campos, Brazil
Software Developer
Fullstack Software Development with Python (Django, Django Rest Framework, Selenium, Pandas, AsyncIO), AWS (EC2, Lambda Functions with Serverless Framework, RDS Postgres, S3 Bucket, SES, API Gateway), NodeJS (Express, AWS SDK), Javascript (React and Angular), JQuery, HTML, CSS, Linux, Shell script, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, Redis, Firebase and Firestore. Task Queues with Celery. Containers with Docker and Docker Compose. CI&CD with BitbucketCI and AWS CLI using branch strategy deployment to deploy each microservice independently. Versioning with Git on Bitbucket and working with Agile methologies using Scrum and Kanban.

• I was responsible for the Web Development of a legacy monolithic that I updated Python from 2.7 to 3.6 and Django from 1.11 to 3.0.
• I built a mono repository for microservices working as Function as a Service, running independently on AWS Lambda Functions reducing costs with unusage provisioned infrastructure.
• I implemented a Web Scraping System collecting data from 10 different sources which as enriched the database with more than 10 million products that was used in matching algorithms to find the best purchase options for the customers.
• I helped the company to reduce in -50% their costs with resources on AWS.
• I launched 2 products in 3 months giving to the company advantage with the investors.
python aws Django django rest framework amazon ec2 aws lambda dynamodb postgresql docker docker compose amazon s3 selenium pandas serverless devops linux nginx shell redis firebase celery nodeJS javascript ReactJS jquery html css python2 scrapy bootstrap
Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Emb3rs Platform
Aug 2022 - May 2023
Excess Heat/Cold (re)use matching platform for industry and end users. The EMB3RS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.
python grpc docker
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
FATEC São José dos Campos - Prof. Jessen Vidal
Database Technologist, Information Technololy
Jan 2019 - Jun 2020

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