Matheus Cunha
Munich, Germany
CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Top 1
Top 10
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Freeletics Full-time
Jan 2020 - Aug 2021 (1 year 7 months)
Munich Area, Germany
DevOps Engineer
devops terraform kubernetes
Datenworks Full-time
Jan 2019 - Dec 2019 (11 months)
São Paulo Area, Brazil
Tech Lead - Cloud & Data Engineering
Data and analytics specialists focused on Big Data, Cloud & Data Engineering, Data Governance, Information Security.

- Designed a cloud-native extreme low-cost RPA system for Clipping Service, that does OCR of Brazilian journals and magazines, using NLP. It tracks events around the country and has the biggest news/media dataset in Brazil;
- Worked as a consultant in a digital transformation initiative inside Sem Parar (leader in electronic toll payment solutions in Brazil) to implement agile culture and DevOps inside IT
development teams;
- Built a Data Lake using Google Cloud Platform services and mostly Kubernetes (GKE) for Reclame AQUI;
- Designed, developed, and implemented a low-cost Serverless Data Lake using AWS for Serasa Experian (the biggest Brazilian consumer credit reporting company).
AWS cloud devops google cloud Kubernetes serverless aws aws lambda docker ci/cd
Loggi Full-time
Mar 2018 - Dec 2018 (9 months)
São Paulo Area, Brazil
Site Reliability Engineer
Loggi is the hottest logistics startup, using low-cost transports to
reduce the last-mile delivery cost.

Re-engineered their infrastructure and guaranteed the whole operation in a team of three people, having many responsibilities, inside a company that grew by 367% in 2018 and became a unicorn latter in 2019. The outcome of the infrastructure re-engineering was a higher uptime, followed by better security and cost reduction.

Took advantage of the best in each cloud, using a multi-cloud approach (GCP, AWS, and Azure at the same time). Also designed a Lean operation with automation, agile development iterations and feature release through a Canary CI/CD pipeline, and self-service ops.
AWS Azure cloud

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