Maximiliano Usich
Software Developer at SideSoft srl
Reggio nell'Emilia, Italy

100% REMOTE. European Union Citizenship. Today I am working with Typescript/Javascript following best practices, on multiple types of projects. I’ve been a Software Developer for approximately 20 years, consistently working with the latest trends, focusing on simplifying complexity and working with teams to align on the Goal. I have worked for big companies and startups too, on big teams and small teams, so I can blend into any environment.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Mid Developer
Mid Developer
Top 10
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
SideSoft srl
Oct 2022 - Present (2 years 5 months)
Italy Current workspace
Currently Maximiliano Usich supports the SideSoft srl

Maximiliano Usich's scores will be added to this company.

Software Developer
- Learning Services Integration Tech Stack:
- ESB - ESQL - Rest/Soap - Unix.
- JCL Unix Mainframe IBM

- Web Collaboration: Learning different solution stacks:
- React, nodejs
- New no-code platforms
- Sharepoint, Power Automate, Power Shell, Power Pages
Austin Software® · Contract - Remote US Client -
Sep 2021 - Apr 2022 (7 months)
Software Engineer
Healthcare Industry Service Online for everyone abroad the US states.
Combined with Laboratories integration, Medical Care, Pharmacy.
- e2e Test automation
- NestJs microservices architecture over RabbitMQ, Postgresql, Mariadb, Mongodb
- Kubernetes environment local, staging.
- Typescript, improving in simplify complexity.
- Javascript Technical Interview agile SDLC face to face 15' meetings
typescript kubernetes nodeJS docker linux makefile git github gcp rabbitmq tdd agile vim unit testing debian redis scrum http webserver database design extreme programming pair programming code review jira confluence slack lastpass sql postgresql rest api
Solvd, Inc. Full-time
Feb 2021 - May 2021 (3 months)
Software Engineer | Backend Developer typescript nodejs
A great team of Kind people.
Full Remote Team.
European projects.
The most Quality Focus Team I have been worked with.

- Javascript Technical Interview agile SDLC face to face 15' meetings
JavaScript NodeJS graphql neo4j makefile docker compose kubernetes serverless firebase linux docker typescript vim debian

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Step by Step GraphQL NodeJS Express Pure Javascript
Mar 2021 - Mar 2021
Step by Step GraphQL NodeJS Express Pure Javascript
I am written code as a Draft to have samples when I need to do something.
Step by Step Terrafrorm AWS Hand On Tutorial
Feb 2021 - Feb 2021
Step by Step Terrafrorm AWS Hand On Tutorial.
I am having Draft of all tutorials I know I will need as a Draft Component, for future reference.
Trayecto Programador, Formacion Profesional, Non-Profit-Org, Certificacion Nacional Argentina.
Jan 2014 - Apr 2017
Definicion de Temas, Planificacion, Proyectos.
Implementacion del Trayecto, Docente Capacitador.
Proyecto de Inclusion, Mejora Continua,
Metodologias Agiles, Aplicacion, Mejora de Procesos de Educacion.
Mejores Practicas.

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Third year of study in degree, Computer Sciences, ( Ciencias de la Computacion en Ciencias Exactas, )
Dec 1994 - Dec 2001
Implementations in x86 Assembler,SPARC Assembler, IA64, Design of Virtual Machine from arbitrary specification, arbitrary assembler defined, and implementation of compiler for that assembrer over that virtual machine, ANSI C, C++ and Java, Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, Software Engineering, Methodology(RUP, Agile, AUP), Design Patterns, Abstraction, Discrete Mathematics, Operating System. Gofer(Haskell)
Dealed, Programación Distribuída (RPC, CORBA, OMG, Java)
Dec 1998 - Dec 1998
Dealed, Linux II. Installation - Configuration - Administration
Dec 1999 - Dec 1999
Centro de Formacion Profesional Nro 27
VET Instructor, Agile Methodology in Software Development, Computer Science
Dec 2012 - Dec 2015
Building an Open Social Networking of Strudents, who share they classroom work online, and preparing students to work width Open Standards. Public and Open Education for everyone "Free of charge", reinserting people to the working life, and inserting students from other institutions to the market. Absolutely Practical Day by Day Sofware Working Coaching.
Instituto de Formacion Tecnica Superior 16 - Ministerio de Educacion Argentino
Technician in Software Development Analyst Degree, Computer Science
Dec 2012 - Dec 2014
Docker Essential Training: 5 Networking
Jul 2019
Entrepreneur TeamWork ( Trabajo en Equipo para Emprendedores )
Jul 2017
Docker Essential Training: 4 Storage and Volumes
Jul 2019

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