Michael Venegas
Santiago, Chile
CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 8%
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Onesla SPA
Oct 2019 - Jul 2020 (9 months)
Santiago, Chile
Founder & CTO
Soy fundador, director y CTO de Onesla SPA, una compañía dedicada a la innovación y a la implementación de tecnología para la automatización e IoT en diversas industrias, principalmente en la inmobiliaria, logística, industrial y agrícola, con productos tales como sistemas de accesos, sistemas de control automático y de telemetría.

Contamos con un equipo sólido de profesionales que han desarrollado una vasta experiencia gestionando y materializando soluciones tecnológicas de alto impacto y generando valor en empresas de distintos tamaños a nivel nacional.
javascript java php php composer linux
2 years 7 months
Dec 2017 - Sep 2018 (9 months)
I am co-founder, technical director and skilled developer of business with tech based, now in this company i am the responsible of lead the develop of platform that our customers uses to invest and get profit of the assets portfolio managed by us.

I am very passionate of the technology and think that our business and manner of make the things will change the way of the people invest in REITs in the world.
php postgres linux
Cofounder & Board member
Dec 2017 - Jul 2020 (2 years 7 months)
Wisekap is a first chilean global real estate crowdfunding company.

Has a very powerfull invest platform to able any investor access easily and with a little amount of money (from $300 USD) to invest in real estate asset placed in USA. And by this platform we simplified a lot this process, so with just 3 steps you can became an real estate investor:

1.- sign up in our platform
2.- select the property and buy the percentage of this and
3.- receiving monthly the profits obtained by rental

How does Wisekap work?
is a simple concept, Tenants pay rent, wisekap pays the expenses and pays the profits to investors.

And when the property get an higher value in the time (2 or 3 years i mean) we sell the property bringing back the investment plus the profit to our investors!

For each property that Wisekap offers a position in, it will have a proved track record, stable tenants and can be managed through the Wisekap platform, so investors can review incomes and growth anytime.
Estudio Fenoma Ltda
Apr 2013 - Jan 2014 (9 months)
Santiago, Chile
Director Ejecutivo
En Fenoma desarrollamos Sistemas de Visualización Interactiva basadas en distintas tecnologías que van desde Pantallas Touch hasta Realidad Virtual. Además, contamos con un Laboratorio experimental orientado a la investigación de Hardware (Cascos VR, VR gloves, Motion Tracking, Señaladores Inalámbricos, Detección de Desplazamiento, etc).

La combinación de ambos aspectos nos ha permitido desarrollar aplicaciones únicas en las áreas de la Arquitectura, Marketing, Patrimonio y Medicina.

Actualmente, en el rubro inmobiliario, ofrecemos Sistemas Interactivos de Simulación orientados a Salas de Ventas y Simulaciones de Recorrido a Tiempo Real a través de Internet.

En el ámbito científico, estamos desarrollando aplicaciones de Realidad Virtual para el tratamiento de Fobias, que permiten facilitar la Desensibilización Sistemática de los Pacientes.

Nuestra tecnología permite la simulación de cualquier entorno físico-espacial, por ende podemos abordar todas las áreas que lo requieran.

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